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Posted: 06.01.2005, 23:10
by granthutchison
Hi all:
Just a note to let you know that I'm leaving Celestia. I'm frankly running out of useful new things to do here, and I've also got a number of other projects that are now demanding more of my attention.
So it's farewell ...

Thank you all for your informative company over the last couple of years.

All the best,


Posted: 06.01.2005, 23:24
by t00fri
What a pity.

Posted: 06.01.2005, 23:28
by jestr
Sorry to hear this Grant,you will be sorely missed here.Good luck in your new ventures,Jestr

Posted: 06.01.2005, 23:41
by rthorvald
You will be missed.
I wish you the best of luck, and say thanks for everything you have contributed to Celestia and the community.

With best regards,

Posted: 06.01.2005, 23:45
by Cham
This is a very sad news, Grant. :cry:

So who will update the extrasol.ssc, now ?

Anyway, good luck for the futur. May the force be with you !

Posted: 07.01.2005, 00:48
by Dollan
New things for new days. Be well, and thanks for all of your help in Celestia! Visits sometimes would be cool :wink:


Posted: 07.01.2005, 02:30
by Michael Kilderry
Don't worry everyone,

I've got a feeling he'll come back when he finds more things to do with Celestia, maybe visiting sometimes when he gets a break form his new projects.

I myself was planning on taking a break from the Celestia forums recently, as I wasn't actually using the program much anymore, although I'm still here and I've regained interest with my Lera System fictional solar system project.

Michael Kilderry :)

Posted: 07.01.2005, 08:50
by maxim

I must admit, that I'm not happy with this announcement.

maxim :(

To Grant

Posted: 07.01.2005, 09:08
by HB
Sorry to here this,

Hopefully we still able to use of your knowledge occasionally.??
Anyway thanks for your help in the past and succes with the new projects.

Posted: 07.01.2005, 11:16
by Darkmiss
Sorry to see you go grant :(
good luck with all that you do

and a BIG thank you for all you have done, to help me, and many others.


Posted: 07.01.2005, 12:59
by Jeam Tag
Sorry to see this bad news, we'll miss you. But, please, don't forget to return from time to time!

Un grand Merci et Bonne Chance dans vos activit?©s,

Posted: 07.01.2005, 18:10
by Bob Hegwood

This is a tragedy as far as I'm concerned...

You're one of the reasons this Brain-Dead old geezer likes to use this
forum. Please continue to drop in now and then willya?

Who else can translate scientific "GobbleDeyGook" into plain old
English for non-MIT graduates better than yourself?

You will be sorely missed by THIS non-MIT graduate... :cry:

Thanks very much for all of your efforts with Celestia. If I haven't
said it enough, YOU are one of the main reasons I keep coming back here.

Best of luck to you Grant.

Take care, Bob

Posted: 07.01.2005, 22:25
by ajtribick
You will definitely be missed around here. Good luck with your other projects, and I hope you'll drop in at some point in the future.

Posted: 08.01.2005, 00:29
by Rassilon
Grant you have been a large asset to the community...I think that leaving is utterly useless as you know as well as I feel....You can never put Celestia down....So dont try... :P

Good luck in all you do....

Posted: 08.01.2005, 12:35
by Harry
I can only acknowledge what others here already wrote, and I hope you'll return now and then. Thanks for your hard work!


Posted: 09.01.2005, 13:09
by Paolo
Grant what can I say. THANK YOU!! :cry:

Your work for putting the most accurate possible astronomical data inside Celestia is invaluable.

I don't think that anyone who was involved in Celestia can leave definitively this wonderful project.

I'm sure that when some new amazing feature will be added to the next versions of Celestia you will return on board to give your precious help. :wink:

So good bye and good luck. :D

Posted: 09.01.2005, 19:12
Very sad to hear you are leaving Grant, I wish you all the best with your future projects.

Thanks for all the time and effort you have spent in helping to make Celestia the fine piece of software it has become.


Posted: 09.01.2005, 21:21
by fsgregs
Grant, without you I simply could not have completed several of my Educational Activities. Your skill with celestial mechanics is simply ... unparalleled and your patience in fielding so many questions is great.

I know the forum can get to be too time consuming. You have gotten very immersed in it. But please ... don't abandon Celestia ... simply ... visit less frequently. Its strange to say, but I've found that in this stupid world of insane people and failing environmental degradation and constant immoral wars and fetid political and corporate corruption, Celestia is kind of a balm ... an oil that alllows us all to drift quietly through space and visit other worlds ... untouched by the bullshit at least for a little while! You have been instrumental in opening that world to many of us, and allowing so many people to enjoy something beautiful in their lives. How many people can really say they've made such a contribution? :?

I hope you will drop by frequently. Thank you for your tireless efforts.

Frank Gregorio

Posted: 09.01.2005, 22:31
by alphap1us
I can't say it better than the others have, so I'll just add my thanks to theirs..

Thanks and we'll mis you, Grant.


Posted: 10.01.2005, 20:07
by Guest
Thanks for the kind words.
Bye ...
