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Roation periode

Posted: 19.11.2004, 14:46
by AtlantiS
Hi..... First congrats to this awesome software... I did find it 3 days ago... it's already addictive to

Here is my question... is it posible to stop a satelite or spacecraft from roting around it own axis???

I tried with the tunguska add on but when i set rotaion periode to zero 0 , for some reason the model dont apear on the screen do is set back t 1 or higher it apears as normal....????

Can you help me with this ??

Thanks so far Regards Atlantis

( sorry for my bad english, I am from the Netherlands

Posted: 19.11.2004, 15:19
by selden

To make a body seem not to spin, you need to set the RotationPeriod to a very large value, not a small one. 1e32 works reasonably well.

Please remember that a RotationPeriod is the amount of time that it takes to turn once around on its axis. A RotationPeriod of 0 means that the object is spinning infinitely fast. It is going so fast that it has created its own black hole and disappeared into it!

(Actually, I suppose it could be considered a bug that Celestia doesn't have an internal limit on the RotationPeriod. Presumably it's getting an internal mathematical error of some kind when it tries to divide by 0, so it can't draw the body.)

Posted: 19.11.2004, 15:31
by atlantis
Thnx for your fast repley.... was a great help for me... Keep up the great work ....

Regards AtlantiS

Posted: 19.11.2004, 15:35
by selden
You're quite welcome.

distance question

Posted: 19.11.2004, 17:09
by AtlantiS

I builded a 3d model of thunderbird 5 and 3 for my kids...

Now is my question is:

which command in the ssc file is to set distance from the planets surface for the models???

Reagards : AtlantiS

Is also ok i upload the thunderbird models to this site ??

Posted: 19.11.2004, 22:15
Goedenavond Atlantis,


Remember that you will have to add the altitude you want for your Thunderbird models (in KM) to the Radius of the Earth, which is 6378.14


Posted: 08.12.2004, 02:05
by smbika

First of all - COOL! I would love to see (get, to be truthful) your models of Thunderbirds 3 and 5 (5 was always my favorite)!!

Second - hats off to you for doing the work - I am not that talented when it comes to creating detailed models of existing (real and fictional) model designs and rely on people like you for all my goodies!

Third - you can upload the models to the following site: - just go there and follow the instructions on the front page for the upload process - they welcome new stuff...

Hope you do it soon - I look forward to it!
