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A new look of the Earth. New (4k) textures inside!

Posted: 29.06.2002, 18:20
by Guest
Hello guys,
today i tryed to remove the happy smile from the Blue Marble Earth ;).
The result you see bellow.


here are more shots:

The DXT3 compressed textures (~4 Mb )can be downloaded from here:

I have one png file for all of you who don't have nvidia cards, but it weights more than 11Mb.

You may want to use my solarsys.ssc settings for Earth:

Code: Select all

"Earth" "Sol"
     Texture ""
     NightTexture ""
     SpecularColor [ 0.90 0.80 0.65 ]
     SpecularPower 85.0


Posted: 29.06.2002, 18:32
by Size_Mick
The link doesn't appear to work at this time. Can you double check it please?

Posted: 29.06.2002, 19:01
by Pixel
Sorry, time to time it works. If somebody tell me where to upload, i will do!

A new look of the Earth. New (4k) textures inside!

Posted: 29.06.2002, 19:31
by t00fri
Anonymous wrote:You may want to use my solarsys.ssc settings for Earth:

Code: Select all

"Earth" "Sol"
     Texture ""
     NightTexture ""
     SpecularColor [ 0.90 0.80 0.65 ]
     SpecularPower 85.0



1) your specular spot above, SpecularColor [ 0.90 0.80 0.65],
is /purple/, it is not the same as on the new earth image above.

2) The image looks great, notably the yellowish, /small/ specular spot, but from the ocean/land color it is NOT the earth, I think...

3) Have a look into your email, I wrote something a while ago...

Bye Fridger

A new look of the Earth. New (4k) textures inside!

Posted: 30.06.2002, 10:16
by Pixel
t00fri wrote:
1) your specular spot above, SpecularColor [ 0.90 0.80 0.65],
is /purple/, it is not the same as on the new earth image above.

The color of specular spot severe depends of color of oceans. BTW i never edit colors. I used the high-res texture from OpenUniverse site, and have tweaked oceans, but not by color editing - these colors persist in the other earth textures that i have.
now i edited ocean color: is this Earth however? :wink:

A new look of the Earth. New (4k) textures inside!

Posted: 30.06.2002, 10:43
by t00fri
Pixel wrote:
t00fri wrote:
1) your specular spot above, SpecularColor [ 0.90 0.80 0.65],
is /purple/, it is not the same as on the new earth image above.

The color of specular spot severe depends of color of oceans. BTW i never edit colors. I used the high-res texture from OpenUniverse site, and have tweaked oceans, but not by color editing - these colors persist in the other earth textures that i have.
now i edited ocean color: is this Earth however? :wink:

Pixel and other GIMPers:

Not really;-)... The colors of your continents appear to be affected
when you edit the /ocean/ colour. Why? I am sure, you use appropriate selection

It is a real pity that I can not display the state of my experiments
via WEB. I'll send you an example tomorrow or so, when I have a little
more time.

I found that it is really important to take away the color saturation
of the BM ocean until the water gets a /dark gray-dark purple-blue/ type
pastel color. The trick comes with the cloud coloring that is
superimposed! My top clouds are white but then the lower parts merge
into a layer of fresh semi-transparent sky blue with a fairly high cyan
component. It is the /overlay/ of this darkish purple-blue ocean color
with the fresh cyan dominated atmospheric cloud layer that gives the
natural impression.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 30.06.2002, 11:17
by Pixel
Actually i don't know what is 'natural impression' without good reference images from the Space. We all have seen many photos, but they vary in collors widely. It seems that the Earth changes its colors with distance :wink:
Speaking of clouds, recently i undersood why they look so bumpy from space at some distances - it is becouse they cast shadows on Earth. This effect can also be verry well simulated in cloud textures. And i don't like the additional foggy layer to clouds. It prevents me to wach the night sky from Earth :lol:

Posted: 30.06.2002, 13:28
by t00fri
Pixel wrote:Actually i don't know what is 'natural impression' without good reference images from the Space. We all have seen many photos, but they vary in collors widely. It seems that the Earth changes its colors with distance :wink:
Speaking of clouds, recently i undersood why they look so bumpy from space at some distances - it is becouse they cast shadows on Earth. This effect can also be verry well simulated in cloud textures. And i don't like the additional foggy layer to clouds. It prevents me to wach the night sky from Earth :lol:

There are some reasonably good longer-distance photos of earth from the Galileo mission.

Pushing the key (I), gets rid of the clouds when you want to do skywatching from earth. But personally, I also do not like the "fog" so much, since it prevents those detailed views on the country side from space. So I am even ready to sacrifice some realism here...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 30.06.2002, 14:42
by Pixel
Yea, i will sacrafice it too. Because in reality there is no any green color seen from the space. It is totally absorbed by the athmosphere and looks like gray-cyan soup, i think. The ideal case will be if Celestia can change colors with distance. I know - without paletted textures it is hard, but i wonder what if different mip-maps hold different textures. The hardware bi/tri linear filtering will do the trick with transitions.

Posted: 30.06.2002, 18:09
by Azagoth
I have downloaded these new earth textures mentioned above, but I can't seem to get them to work. Where do I place the *.dds files?? When I told Celestia to use these textures in the solarsys.scc Earth just showed up as a plain white ball. I put the files into the medres folder.

Posted: 30.06.2002, 18:16
by Rassilon
Azagoth wrote:I have downloaded these new earth textures mentioned above, but I can't seem to get them to work. Where do I place the *.dds files?? When I told Celestia to use these textures in the solarsys.scc Earth just showed up as a plain white ball. I put the files into the medres folder.

I believe they only work with video cards using the Invidia chipset...Geforce cards mainly...

Posted: 30.06.2002, 19:18
by Azagoth
At the moment I'm using a Nvidia TNT2 32Mb which can use compressed testures, I fly MS Combat Flight Simulator 2 which uses DXT compressed textures. For the moment I'll just go back to my 4k png file.

Although in a couple of months I'm geting myself a MSI GeForce4 Ti4400 128Mb DDR and if that don't run anything nothing will.

Posted: 30.06.2002, 20:57
by Rassilon
Azagoth wrote:At the moment I'm using a Nvidia TNT2 32Mb which can use compressed testures, I fly MS Combat Flight Simulator 2 which uses DXT compressed textures. For the moment I'll just go back to my 4k png file.

Although in a couple of months I'm geting myself a MSI GeForce4 Ti4400 128Mb DDR and if that don't run anything nothing will.

Yeah Im getting that one soon...Dunno...might be cause its 32meg and the dds is too big for it...Chris would know for sure...

Posted: 30.06.2002, 21:56
by Raul.
Azagoth wrote:At the moment I'm using a Nvidia TNT2 32Mb which can use compressed testures, I fly MS Combat Flight Simulator 2 which uses DXT compressed textures. For the moment I'll just go back to my 4k png file.

I didn't know there's a TNT2 capable of using compressed textures. Is it a new model?

My previous card was a TNT2 and didn't support compressed textures. Of course i could force it to use compressed textures but the driver automatically uncompressed them before uploading to the card.

Posted: 30.06.2002, 22:19
by t00fri
Azagoth wrote:At the moment I'm using a Nvidia TNT2 32Mb which can use compressed testures, I fly MS Combat Flight Simulator 2 which uses DXT compressed textures. For the moment I'll just go back to my 4k png file.

Although in a couple of months I'm geting myself a MSI GeForce4 Ti4400 128Mb DDR and if that don't run anything nothing will.

In order that we do not have to argue for ever whether your card does it or not, why don't you just dump the openGL info that is displayed for your card when you click help->openGLinfo in the menue.

Then we can simply tell...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 30.06.2002, 23:22
by Azagoth

At the moment I'm around my mates house, as soon as I get back on my comp I'll dump the OpenGL info.

As for TNT2 using compressed textures, CFS2 uses DXT1 and I run it in 1024x768x32 @ 60+ fps

Posted: 01.07.2002, 00:22
by Miserableman
You didn't upload your cloud map :O]

Posted: 01.07.2002, 06:34
by t00fri
Miserableman wrote:You didn't upload your cloud map :O]

Whom do you mean? Me? As I said, the upload of my textures take a while (next weekend, I guess), since I have to sort all the textures out first and this weekend I was mostly busy. The upload works only on a weekend.

Also, my cloudmaps (see earlier mail) are specially tuned to the background colour of the earth's sea. I would recommend using my earth texture /and/ the clouds together or none.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 01.07.2002, 09:07
by Axel
Miserableman wrote:You didn't upload your cloud map :O]

I think you are talking about Pixel, right?



Posted: 01.07.2002, 10:29
by LitNewb can't believe it!
This is a beautiful texture !
Thnak you for sharing it !