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Some requests

Posted: 04.11.2004, 14:00
by Ton Lindemann

I'm not sure if it was a bug, but I reported as it was. I found that the moon was much to smal, or the sun to large, during a view of the solar eclips of 11 august 1999 in Europa. The moon can't cover the sun, while I was searching if Celestia shows some corona effects during the eclips.
Anyway therefore the request to have a corona around the sun during totality.

Another eclips effect: Is it possible to have a red/brown colored moon during its total moon eclipsphase (as seen from earth).

Is it possible to ask for a better groundbased observatory mode? The current model isn't user frendly.

While on any surface, a toggle for compas points on horizon would be very welcome too.

I found a kind of a grid (cntrl+W) but isn't it possible to have also a geographical co-ords gridsystem on celestial bodies (to set by user in 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 45° as overlay?

Thanks for your attention and keep continueing this fine program,


Ton Lindemann