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Strange Joystick Movements

Posted: 12.07.2004, 21:44
by PotterHarry
I'm using a Saitek ST330 Joystick. It works fine in the XP callibration window. In Celestia, however, when I move the Joystick left the view pans to the left. Move right the view pans to the right. So far, so good. Now, If I move the joystick up the view goes down, and vice versa. Steering in space is so difficult. Am I doing something wrong? Thanx. :)

Posted: 12.07.2004, 23:50
by selden
Celestia has up and down reversed when compared wo the way left and right work. It always has. They're reversed on the keyboard, too:numeric pad 2 &8. :(

Strange Joystick Movements

Posted: 13.07.2004, 11:32
by Guest
Thanks for reply, Sheldon. Would anyone have any idea how to correct this. It seems really counter-intuitive. Maybe the reversed up/down movements reproduce flight sim controls ???

I'm really new to Celestia. Are there any plans to allow user defined control over joystick/keyboard controls. Count me in, if there are!

Posted: 13.07.2004, 20:16
by wasj2004
It is like flight sim controls, if you were in a plane, you pull back to go up. I personally would like to see rudder axis added to the controls for the roll movements. If I knew how id add it myself!