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Its all Greek to me...

Posted: 26.05.2004, 13:54
by Adam Kadmon
I finally downloaded the latest version of Celestia, and I must say I do like the changes. The only thing I forgot to backup was my version of celestia.cfg which had extra star names added into it … oh well, no great loss. While looking at the new celestia.cfg I noticed that some stars had strange strings attached to them, and pretty quickly I realised that the strings were for Greek letters. I tried guessing my way through the alpha-beta, but after realising that \u03b14 did not equal xi, I decided to make a list.
Think of it as my first help file.
Tack it onto the end of your celestia.cfg file for easy reference.
Note that there is no \u03c2 .. I think that’s because the sigma letter is drawn differently if its at the end of a word <shrugs>.

# \u03b1 alpha
# \u03b2 beta
# \u03b3 gamma
# \u03b4 delta
# \u03b5 epsilon
# \u03b6 zeta
# \u03b7 eta
# \u03b8 theta
# \u03b9 iota
# \u03ba kappa
# \u03bb lambda
# \u03bc mu
# \u03bd nu
# \u03be xi
# \u03bf omicron
# \u03c0 pi
# \u03c1 rho
# \u03c3 sigma
# \u03c4 tau
# \u03c5 upsilon
# \u03c6 phi
# \u03c7 chi
# \u03c8 psi
# \u03c9 omega
# Adam K.

ps. oops, got some of my Bs and Cs mixed up... all fixed now :oops:

Posted: 26.05.2004, 20:34
by don
Thank you for your translation, Adam K. :D

Posted: 07.01.2005, 05:01
by Tanketai
And it goes on to other letters, as

?? \u00e1

Posted: 15.02.2006, 00:20
by mutant_gn0me
I'd like to have Zeta1 & Zeta2 Reticuli labeled, and I've tried a couple of different ways of specifying \u03b6 in celestia.cfg. If I add "\u03b6 Reticuli", then I get Zeta1 Reticuli labeled. I don't know how to specify Zeta2 Reticuli, however. Anybody know how this is done? Thanks!

Posted: 15.02.2006, 00:51
by mutant_gn0me
Okay - I just figured this out:

"\u03b6 Reticuli"
"ZET2 Reticuli"

The first uses the escape sequence to get the zeta character. The second form works as well (in celestia.cfg). I was just making this harder than it need be. :roll:

Posted: 18.03.2006, 23:50
by Lothar_GR
If it is all Greek to you, then what must i say ? :P :lol: hello everyone :)