General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Post #1by Kendrix » 30.05.2002, 09:00

Celestia est tout simplement hallucinant !!!!!!

Je suis justement en train de developper un simulateur du systeme solaire et je tombe dessus !!! (Je suis content car assez avanc? dans mon projet pour avoir un rendu assez proche)... Mais Celestia depasse tout ce que j'avais pu imaginer !!!


Juste une remarque : il manque la projections des ombres des anneaux sur les planetes alors que l'inverse est deja present...

Vivement les sondes Voyager !!!

Encore bravo et continuez comme ca !!!

Posts: 79
Joined: 30.01.2002
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Location: Villaviciosa de Od?n, Madrid, Spain

C'est un forum anglophone...

Post #2by bruckner » 30.05.2002, 13:38

For those unable to read French: he congratulates very warmly Celestia cast & crew for surpassing everything he could even imagine (me too, should I say), as he was developing his own solar system simulator when he stumbled upon Celestia.

There is an interesting remark, also: he notes that rings don't cast shadows on planets, as they should. Was this mentioned already, or it's a new feature request?

I took upon me to translate this message as I've been in various forums already where pointless discussions have crept up because of use of languages and a "de facto" main communication language... It's unavoidable, as any community grows in size (as Celestia's is currently doing) to have interested parties unable to communicate in English. The best approach, I have found, is just to lend a hand whenever possible, while encouraging a common language for swift communication among forum members. Of course, if the community get large enough, there might be room for interest groups focused in a language other than English, but general interest messages should be kept in the main language.

Before you accuse me of being "anglocentrist", remember that (if you didn't already notice that...) my mother tongue isn't English, but Spanish.

?a c'est pour Kendrix: en nom des d?veloppeurs et collaborateurs de Celestia, merci beaucoup pour ton message. Nous sommes h?sitants de voir tes collaborations et remarques.

? bient?t!


Topic author

De rien ;o)

Post #3by Kendrix » 30.05.2002, 14:19

Thanx for your traduction !

Sinon j'ai recuper? les sources et je pense implementer un nouveau systeme de deplacement... Le systeme en mode center est parfait a mon gout mais le mode camera libre est tres desagreable... Je vais le remplacer par celui que j'ai developp? pour mon emulateur...
C'est une sorte de mode 'godlike' qui permet de se deplacer tres rapidement d'un point a un autre de la maniere d'un vaisseau ultra rapide...

Je pense aussi ajouter la gravitation pour laisser deriver la camera (consider?e comme un vaisseau) au fil des rebonds planetaires (comme les passages des sondes voyager pres des geantes).

Voila... Et je vais evidemment regarder pour les ombres...

Je sens que ce soir je vais encore voyager dans la Galaxie ! :o)))

The Clickman
Posts: 28
Joined: 02.02.2002
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Location: France

De rien ;o)

Post #4by The Clickman » 30.05.2002, 15:34

translation of Kendrix wrote:
Now I get sources then I will try to implement new moving system. ..
Center mode is perfect, but free mode is unpleseant. I think I will replace it with a mode I build for my own simulator.
It's a king of God mode, which allow to move very fast to any point, like a very speedy starship.

I think I will ad gravitationnal effects too, then make the camera sensitive to this (like a starship), with planetary rebound (like Voyager when they traveling near giants planets).

So.. I will have a look for shades of course...

I think I will travel more in the galaxy !! :o)))

Note to Kendrix : Someone already build a Celestia version with gravitationnal effects... you must have a look !
In french for Kendrix : Quelqu'un a deja invent? une version de Celestia avec les effets gravitationnels ! Tu devrais regarder !

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Ou ca ???

Post #5by Kendrix » 30.05.2002, 19:27

Where can I find it ???

Ou puis-je la trouver ???

The Clickman
Posts: 28
Joined: 02.02.2002
With us: 22 years 8 months
Location: France

Ou ca ???

Post #6by The Clickman » 31.05.2002, 07:29

Kendrix wrote:Where can I find it ???

Ou puis-je la trouver ???

check here : http://marcgriffith.150m.com/
thanks to Marc !

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