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Earth Central Back up and Running!

Posted: 17.04.2004, 04:22
by Don. Edwards
Hey Everyone,
I have Earth Central back up and running. I have tested all the links and everything seems to be working just fine. If you happen across a broken link that I may have missed just PM me and I will get it fixed ASAP.
The other hub sites will be coming back online as soon as I can get to them. Not that they were getting much traffic anyway. :wink:
Mars Central will most likely be back. But Pluto Central, the Hd28185 page will probably go away for good. I am planning a major redesign of the hub into something a little more useful and practical.
Mars Central will get a major remake as well, and I plan on making several of the 8k Terraformed Mars textures available for download as well as an 8k young Mars texture.

The Hub is going to be more of a general information center about Celestia. I plan on adding tutorials about making various kinds of textures, cloudmaps, and ect...
I am also hoping to use it to host information and tutorials from other users that don't want to take the time to make and design a webpage of there own.

Oh, BTW there will be a very major, overhaul to Earth Central coming up. The things I have been working on just are not going to fit with Earth Central present design layout. Besides I feel its getting a little old anyway.
So keep an eye on this thread for future news on the sites and what is to come.

Oh, if anyone has any ideas please don't hesitate to give your input. These Hub sites are for everyone not just for me so I like to have ideas thrown around.

Don. Edwards

Posted: 18.04.2004, 06:22
by Don. Edwards
Oops! :oops:

I acidently deleleted the Earth file while doing some house cleaning on the server. It was nested in a location I had forgoten about. So it will be down for a few days until I can reupload it. :wink:

Don. Edwards

Posted: 19.04.2004, 18:03
by Darkmiss
Ahhhhh! I will be sad to see the pluto central go.
Bloody nice texture that, even if it is fictional.