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The best DVD investment ever...

Posted: 27.03.2004, 00:32
by Rassilon
This week I just got the cosmos box set and I must admit its the best damn investment I could have ever made! Theres so much information packed into this 7 dvd set I couldn't ask for more...except for Stephen Hawking's Universe...which is next on the agenda!

The soundtrack is superb...The fx is excellent even by todays standards...And Sagans ideas are as deep as the Barrier Reef...especially his explanation of the tesserect...He opens the mind to the possibilities...and has been my favorite scientist since childhood...

So if your looking for great entertainment value and education in astronomy past present and future...Get cosmos!

Posted: 01.04.2004, 21:07
by Guest
I have to agree with that one.

I purchased the Cosmos DVD set last year and it is truly amazing. That series made a huge impact on me as a child.

It inspired me to follow the path of science and technology, and to become what I am today, an engineer.


Posted: 01.04.2004, 21:08
by UncleSpam

The above message was mine :)


Posted: 01.04.2004, 23:00
by Kolano
Yes, Cosmos is definatly great. Thank you Mr. Sagan.