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Feature request - show orbit for marked objects only

Posted: 17.03.2004, 09:46
by Gordon
Hi !

It would be very handy if it was possible to show orbits only for marked bodies.

For example, when you look at a specific saturn moon today and want to see its orbit, all the other moons orbit are also printed which makes things very confused (to much blue lines !).

Posted: 17.03.2004, 10:25
by maxim
There is a way showing only the orbit of the selected object.
Don't remember exactly how - about switching on orbits for moons/asteroids/... and switching off overall orbit display.
Just try out.


Posted: 17.03.2004, 11:17
by Adirondack
Hm, as far as I have understood Gordon, he wants to see only the orbit of one single moon.

So switching on or off the moon-orbits will display all or no orbits at all but not a chosen single moon-orbit.

That's the same thing like the constellations: All or nothing (if you don't have "kcelestia.exe" as discussed in another thread)!

So I guess, it is possible to implement a feature that displays only single orbits.

Posted: 17.03.2004, 11:23
by maxim
There is a way to show only the orbit (in red) of the object you have currently selected and no others. I'm not sure how, and I don't have celestia here where I am.


Posted: 17.03.2004, 11:38
by Adirondack
That's our problem, I also have no Celestia where I am. :(

But isn't it so, that the red line is the selectet orbit and the blue lines are not selected orbits? So there are a red and a lot of blue lines?

I will check this later at night... May you are faster...

Posted: 17.03.2004, 11:47
by Gordon
Adirondack wrote:Hm, as far as I have understood Gordon, ...

Thank you trying doing it ! I was definitevely not clear :?

In fact, I didn't gave a good example. What I'd like to be able to do is to mark 3 or 4 objects and display orbits only for these objects (obviously this will also work for a single object if needed).

Posted: 17.03.2004, 18:02
by maxim
Ok, I have to correct myself. :oops:
If you have any kind of orbit switched on, then PLANET orbits are also displayed for the one you have currently selected. Nothing more. So that's (obviously) not what you wanted Gordon.

It's my weak memory.

maxim :)