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Night view of earth

Posted: 21.05.2002, 13:52
by amdescombes

I have seen some really nice screen captures of Celestia showing a night view of earth. Does this view change from night view to day view as the earth rotates? If so, where can I get these views?


Andre M. Descombes

Night view of earth

Posted: 21.05.2002, 14:17
by t00fri
amdescombes wrote:Hi,

I have seen some really nice screen captures of Celestia showing a night view of earth. Does this view change from night view to day view as the earth rotates? If so, where can I get these views?


Andre M. Descombes

You need the 'earthnight.jpg' file in higher resolution. It may be downloaded from the Visual Earth Observatory server (Blue Marble Project) in various sizes. How high you may go in resolution depends on the memory on your graphics card. You may also want to convert it to .dds format if your card supports hardware compression. It is really worthwhile, the effects are great...See my images on Bruckner's site.

Posted: 21.05.2002, 17:46
by chris
While the high resolution night texture is definitely better, there's a lower resolution version included in the Celestia distribution. You can enable night lights by pressing Ctrl+L (or through the view options dialog). It works with most graphics cards . . .
