Restricted Starfield Views
Posted: 20.05.2002, 16:24
Been playing around with Celestia for a while now, and I absolutly love it. I just had a thought for a possible feature to include in later iterations of the program: A limited view of stars/objects within a certain range (based most likely on lightyears), specified by the user. What this would amount to is a sphere of stars within a certain range, with all stars outside of that sphere dimming in brightness or even going dark completely.
Trying to look at the stars local to Sol can be quite a challange if you're trying to do it by sight due to the number of background stars. This method would make looking at star clusters easier as well.
Trying to look at the stars local to Sol can be quite a challange if you're trying to do it by sight due to the number of background stars. This method would make looking at star clusters easier as well.