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field of view

Posted: 15.01.2004, 17:18
by Polchei
I don't care for the 20 degree field of view at the startup of celestia 1.3.1, I prefer the 45 degree view as it was in version 1.3.0. Is there a way to permenently change the field of view at startup of celestia?

Posted: 16.01.2004, 12:30
by maxim
It's obviously not possible with the current version.
You should state a feature request.


Posted: 16.01.2004, 15:53
by Kendrix
Yes it's possible by adding to your "start.cel" script the following line :

set { name "FOV" value 45.0 }

Posted: 16.01.2004, 16:39
by maxim
Ok, you're right. :D