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Going home...

Posted: 10.01.2004, 22:44
by E.T.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could type in your latitude/longitude and look at the stars from that fixed location.
Maybe move in time and see how the sky looked thousands of years ago...

btw. Great project guys! :)


Re: Going home...

Posted: 10.01.2004, 23:08
by t00fri
E.T. wrote:Wouldn't it be cool if you could type in your latitude/longitude and look at the stars from that fixed location.
Maybe move in time and see how the sky looked thousands of years ago...

btw. Great project guys! :)


There is nothing that prevents you from doing precisely that in Celestia.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 10.01.2004, 23:09
by selden
[In answer to your first question] You can.

See the "Preliminary User's FAQ" for the details. [The FAQ] is at the top of the "Users Forum".
[See Q/A # 19:
How can I make Celestia work like a planetarium?
I want to see how the sky should look from my backyard. ]

[Clarifications in brackets were added later]

Re: Going home...

Posted: 12.01.2004, 10:31
by steffens
E.T. wrote:Maybe move in time and see how the sky looked thousands of years ago...

You can? Star movements are NOT simulated in celestia as far as I know...
