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Posted: 07.01.2004, 21:40
by Luca
Hi, I'm new here but I like very much Celestia.
I downloaded 1.3.1 yesterday evening and take a look around universe, but why I saw Saturn's rings like a only big and not textured ring?
It is not as the image I can see in the gallery.
And I think I've maximum of detail for the sky... I think.
Someone could help me?

Posted: 08.01.2004, 01:00
by Darkmiss
Hello Luca
Are you using the texture from the installed version,
Or have you downloaded any new ones ?

Also could you give us a rundown on what Graphics card, Graphics ram, and main ram you have.


Posted: 08.01.2004, 22:26
by Luca
Yes, I installed the file you download at home page. 1.3.1.
I note I have no file in hires folder. But it's just what setup create on my hdd.

I've a Vodoo 3dfx 2000 with 16Mb.
512Mb for RAM.

Posted: 08.01.2004, 22:38
by selden

Your problem is that Saturn's Ring texture does not fit into the texture buffer of your graphics card.

Older versions of Celestia would scale down Ring textures so they would fit into the texture buffer of the graphics card. V1.3.1 does not do that any more.

Voodoo cards have very small texture buffers. To find out how big your card's buffer is, you can look in Celestia's Help menu, item "OpenGL Info". Look at the value for "Max Texture Size". You might consider resizing the PNG image \lores\saturn-rings.png so that it will fit. I suspect it needs to be 256x2. It now is 1024x2.



Posted: 09.01.2004, 19:47
by Luca
Thanks Selden.


Posted: 09.01.2004, 19:47
by Luca
Thanks Selden.

Posted: 09.01.2004, 20:01
by selden

You're quite welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't give you any better news.

I used to have a 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500, but all of the OpenGL drivers for it that I could find were much too buggy :( . I finally upgraded to an Nvidia card, which made a big difference for Celestia.

Posted: 10.01.2004, 13:55
by Darkmiss
Luca do have the ability to resize the ring texture whilst keepin the transparency,
to get it to work on your voodoo card.

If not, just say and ill resize and post it to you 8)

But in all honesty, if a video card upgrade was ever on your mind
then do that, it will make Celestia look even more amazing.

Jus have a word with the guys on here about your funds
and they will tell you what is the best Nvidia card for that price