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Celestia on an older PC

Posted: 07.05.2002, 20:16
by straight
Obviously, Celestia is worth buying a new computer and graphics card, but until I can scrape together enough cash to do so, I wonder if anyone could give me some tips for getting it to run as well as possible on my system.

I have a Celeron 500 with 256MB RAM and a Voodoo 3000 video card. The low-res version of Celestia runs pretty well in a window (between 10-20 fps depending on what's on screen). I know I can't run any of the big beautiful Geforce textures, but are there any medium-sized textures my card could handle (I noticed a folder marked "medium" in the texture directory)?

Also, whenever I try to switch Celestia to full-screen mode, the program crashes horribly - the screen becomes snow and the computer completely locks up. Is there a fix for this?

Posted: 09.05.2002, 00:50
by Rassilon
I would recommend that you get rid of that Voodoo card as there is no support for it anymore...Considering also you can get a GeForce Ti200 64 Meg card for around $150 now which isnt as bad as the GF4 which is still 3 times that much and not much faster :) I got the card just to see the bump mapping effects...Believe me you would wonder why you ever kept the Voodoo after getting the Force!

Good luck...


Posted: 09.05.2002, 01:43
by marc
Make sure you motherboard supports agp4x if your going to upgrade your video card. I have a GF2MX400 which ran like a dog at 2xAGP.

Posted: 09.05.2002, 14:32
by straight
Unfortunately my computer doesn't have an AGP slot, just PCI. Nor can the motherboard handle a faster processor (I was pretty stupid about such things back when I bought this HP Pavilion - about the only thing that's upgradable is the memory). So the Voodoo3 is probably about the best card this computer can handle.

Posted: 13.05.2002, 23:20
by Smirnov
Looks like a new motherboard then too!

I good price/performance system would be something like:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+
Abit KR7A-RAID mobo
GeForce 3 Ti 200 or GeForce 4 Ti xxxx (as budget allows, but no GF2, or GF4MX cards).
And the rest as needed.

Should cost around ?480-?500 tops.


Posted: 18.05.2002, 14:14
by Goopah1
I just picked up a cheap new laptop (Toshiba 1.06 Celeron with a lowly 4 megs of video ram for $900), and wasn't even going to try it, but I loaded up Celestia anyway and was amazed that it runs pretty well! I've got it in a fairly small window, but hey, it runs smooth and now I can take it with me wherever I go.