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Grant, Solsys-locs.ssc ?

Posted: 27.12.2003, 20:26
by Darkmiss
Hello Grant thank you for this great new feature for Celestia

But im having some trouble

none of the locations is working for the moon at all.

but the file itself is working, as i have all these locations showing for mars
and they are great, and the earth oceans too.

i havent checked all the planets yet
But have you any idea what has happend to the moons locations ?

and is there a legend for the "Type" codes ?

Re: Grant, Solsys-locs.ssc ?

Posted: 27.12.2003, 20:38
by Bob Hegwood
Darkmiss wrote:and is there a legend for the "Type" codes ?


The type codes are defined as follows:

Albedo Feature Geographic area distinguished by amount of reflected light = AL
Astrum, astra Radial-patterned features on Venus = AS
Catena, catenae Chain of craters = CA
Cavus, cavi Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays or clusters = CB
Chaos Distinctive area of broken terrain = CH
Chasma, chasmata A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression = CM
Colles Small hills or knobs = CO
Corona, coronae Ovoid-shaped feature = CR
Crater, craters A circular depression = AA
Dorsum, dorsa Ridge = DO
Eruptive center Active volcanic centers on Io = ER
Facula, faculae Bright spot = FA
Farrum, farra Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures = FR
Flexus, flex\-us A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern = FE
Fluctus, fluct\-us Flow terrain = FL
Fossa, fossae Long, narrow, shallow depression = FO
Labes, lab\-es Landslide = LA
Labyrinthus, labyrinthi Complex of intersecting valleys = LB
Lacus1 "Lake"; small plain = LC
Landing site name Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites = LF
Large ringed feature Cryptic ringed features = LG
Lenticula, lenticulae Small dark spots on Europa = LE
Linea, lineae A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight = LI
Macula, maculae Dark spot, may be irregular = MA
Mare1, maria "Sea"; large circular plain = ME
Mensa, mensae A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges = MN
Mons, montes Mountain = MO
Oceanus1 A very large dark area on the moon = OC
Palus1, paludes "Swamp"; small plain = PA
Patera, paterae An irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges = PE
Planitia, planitiae Low plain = PL
Planum, plana Plateau or high plain = PM
Plume Cyro-volcanic features on Triton = PU
Promontorium1, promontoria "Cape"; headland promontoria = PR
Regio, regiones A large area marked by reflectivity or color distinctions from adjacent areas, or a broad geographic region = RE
Reticulum, reticula reticular (netlike) pattern on Venus = RT
Rima, rimae1 Fissure = RI
Rupes, rup\-es Scarp = RU
Scopulus, scopuli Lobate or irregular scarp = SC
Sinus "Bay"; small plain = SI
Sulcus, sulci Subparallel furrows and ridges = SU
Terra, terrae Extensive land mass = TA
Tessera, tesserae Tile-like, polygonal terrain = TE
Tholus, tholi Small domical mountain or hill = TH
Undae Dunes = UN
Vallis, valles Valley = VA
Vastitas, vastitates Extensive plain = VS

Is this what you were looking for?

Take care, Bob

Posted: 27.12.2003, 20:57
by Darkmiss
Thank you for that Bob that is just what I was after

Also Grant I have run a full check

Mercury is showing all 6 Locations
Venus all 8
Earth is showing all 12
and mars is showing all 18 locations from the solsys-locs.ssc

Not one of the moons or our moon is showing any locations at all

Is this to do with the file somehow
Is there somthing I am not doing ?

Re: Grant, Solsys-locs.ssc ?

Posted: 27.12.2003, 21:00
by granthutchison
Darkmiss wrote:none of the locations is working for the moon at all.
Weird - they're working fine for me.
One wild guess - is it possible you recently edited out my cock-up with North America and have now introduced an error that has killed the rest of the file? This would explain why the Moon's not working, but it would mean that you should now also be missing Mars locations, and everything farther out, too.
Otherwise I'm at a loss, sorry. :cry:


Posted: 27.12.2003, 21:13
by Darkmiss
Yes I though that too
Thats why I said mars was working okay

But the strange thing is, Not one single moon has any labels on at all for me.

but our moon is in between Earth and mars in the code.
and they are fine, along with all the planets 8O

I do remember when Locations was first intraduced, that i forgot to press
Shift 7 to enable them

is there another set of keys for moon locations ?

Posted: 27.12.2003, 21:36
by Darkmiss
Okay Problem solved
Sorry I botthered you with this Grant

It had nothing to do with the file,
And evrything to do with the way I run Celestia. :roll:

The Solsys-locs.ssc is in the DATA folder

And I have all the code for the planets in the solarsys.ssc in the data folder too.
Any moons, I have as a separate ssc file in the extras directory under the heading of "Earth-Satelites.ssc" or "Jupiter-Satelites.ssc"

So the Solsys-locs wasn't finding the moons for some reason but it was the planets.

So all i did was move the Solsys-locs.ssc to my extras folder
and all is well

I'm not sure why it didnt work in the first place, but it is now :?

Posted: 27.12.2003, 21:50
by granthutchison
Celestia loads the data files in the order stipulated by the config file, and then the extras in alphabetical order. So when solsys_locs.ssc loaded it could see your cut-down solarsys.ssc, but had no access to your moons files.
