Darkmiss wrote:and is there a legend for the "Type" codes ?
The type codes are defined as follows:
Albedo Feature Geographic area distinguished by amount of reflected light = AL
Astrum, astra Radial-patterned features on Venus = AS
Catena, catenae Chain of craters = CA
Cavus, cavi Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays or clusters = CB
Chaos Distinctive area of broken terrain = CH
Chasma, chasmata A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression = CM
Colles Small hills or knobs = CO
Corona, coronae Ovoid-shaped feature = CR
Crater, craters A circular depression = AA
Dorsum, dorsa Ridge = DO
Eruptive center Active volcanic centers on Io = ER
Facula, faculae Bright spot = FA
Farrum, farra Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures = FR
Flexus, flex\-us A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern = FE
Fluctus, fluct\-us Flow terrain = FL
Fossa, fossae Long, narrow, shallow depression = FO
Labes, lab\-es Landslide = LA
Labyrinthus, labyrinthi Complex of intersecting valleys = LB
Lacus1 "Lake"; small plain = LC
Landing site name Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites = LF
Large ringed feature Cryptic ringed features = LG
Lenticula, lenticulae Small dark spots on Europa = LE
Linea, lineae A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight = LI
Macula, maculae Dark spot, may be irregular = MA
Mare1, maria "Sea"; large circular plain = ME
Mensa, mensae A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges = MN
Mons, montes Mountain = MO
Oceanus1 A very large dark area on the moon = OC
Palus1, paludes "Swamp"; small plain = PA
Patera, paterae An irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges = PE
Planitia, planitiae Low plain = PL
Planum, plana Plateau or high plain = PM
Plume Cyro-volcanic features on Triton = PU
Promontorium1, promontoria "Cape"; headland promontoria = PR
Regio, regiones A large area marked by reflectivity or color distinctions from adjacent areas, or a broad geographic region = RE
Reticulum, reticula reticular (netlike) pattern on Venus = RT
Rima, rimae1 Fissure = RI
Rupes, rup\-es Scarp = RU
Scopulus, scopuli Lobate or irregular scarp = SC
Sinus "Bay"; small plain = SI
Sulcus, sulci Subparallel furrows and ridges = SU
Terra, terrae Extensive land mass = TA
Tessera, tesserae Tile-like, polygonal terrain = TE
Tholus, tholi Small domical mountain or hill = TH
Undae Dunes = UN
Vallis, valles Valley = VA
Vastitas, vastitates Extensive plain = VS
Is this what you were looking for?
Take care, Bob