Dealing with different textures
Posted: 29.11.2003, 03:18
by danielj
My system is a Athlon XP 1800,256 MB DDR256,Geforce 4 MX 440SE 64 MB,a 60 GB Maxtor HD and Windows XP.I was deling very well with RealisticeEarth16k,a dds 16k texture of Earth,but surprise,surprise...Celestia crashes when I added 8k png textures and bumpmaps for a bit strange.Now I am turning for a 4k png Callisto texture.Could the problem be only the texture and bump added at the same time?Is png worst to load than jpg?
Posted: 29.11.2003, 19:42
by Bob Hegwood
It depends on what compression rate you're using to save the file. Some png's can be HUGE, especially if you don't use any compression. Have a look at the files you wish to use via a program called "Pixia." This is a freeware program which I have used to re-size/re-sample all of my large png's and jpegs. I have converted many 8k texture files into a 1024x512 format so that I can use the files on my poor, limited machine as described below.
Pixia can be had at the following:
Hope that helps.
Take care, Bob