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Celestia for spanish students

Posted: 24.11.2003, 13:51
by madagh
Before nothing, sorry for my bad english.
I'm a spanish teacher of secondary, and I discovered Celestia one month ago, I'm still surpised with its possibilities in a classroom.
My first problem is that there is not a spanish version of the program, more convenient to work with spanish students. I will only wait for someone who traslate it.
But at the moment I'll try to create my own script, but Celestia don't suport special characters like accents used at spanish or catalanish languages at print command. I supose Celestia users for another non english countries have the same problem.
Is there any solution or it needs a modification of the program?

...and here is an image of the ISS over Mallorca, the island where I live.

Posted: 24.11.2003, 20:11
by JackHiggins
Here's a thread about international translations. ... t=language

Dunno if there's a spanish version (there should be though- one of the worlds biggest languages & all that!) but check it out anyway. If you can compile celestia yourself, then you will have no problems- otherwise, well... :wink:

Posted: 24.11.2003, 21:38
by ElPelado
Something easy to do may be to transalte just the names of planets, stars, comets, asteroids, moons, etc in the ssc files to spanish. I once thought to do it on my version, but then I forgot to do it...

Posted: 25.11.2003, 08:44
by jamarsa
As mentioned in the above thread , Celestia *is* translated to spanish, at least at a basic level, but *only* in Linux. As I assume your students and your college use mainly Windows, I hate to say that you will need to translate directly through the sources, and recompile the program. I could help you if you need to, however.

Posted: 26.11.2003, 14:29
by madagh
I've just look for a spanish translation, but I didn't find it. I need Windows version of Celestia to use with my students. I've downloaded celestia-kde.pot, and I can translate it to spanish, but I don't know what to do after. I have not knowledges of programing.
On the other hand, I can't translate the names of planets, stars, comets, asteroids, moons, etc in the ssc files to spanish, or the cities at the location files, because there are characters not admited in Celestia, per exemple J?piter has a character uacute (according to html special character tables), and either I can't write spanish texts in scripts with the print command. Also, I supose if I translate celestia-kde.pot to compile again the program won't admit menu commands with special characters.

Posted: 26.11.2003, 15:39
by jamarsa
madagh wrote: I've downloaded celestia-kde.pot, and I can translate it to spanish, but I don't know what to do after. I have not knowledges of programing.

It's already done (by me, casually, as spanish is also my mother tongue :wink: ):

But it is useable only in Linux KDE, not in Windows. In Windows, the messages and menus are directly incorporated into the binary by the resource file celestia.rc. This file is an editable text file, but you need to recompile the program after that. About the planet/craft names, you will need to modify the .ssc files included in your data/extra directories. The star names are somewhat more difficult, as they are provided in a compressed binary format. But their names are accepted international ones.

About the special characters, just wait for me to do a little investigation. It's possible to find a way to do it, but perhaps you need to use the appropiate symbol set (the one that celestia defaults to).

Posted: 30.11.2003, 22:29
by Guest
Well, I just installed Linux on my second HDD. Its the first time I use it. I still have some troubles with it, as it don't recognice my first HDD with Windows XP and NTFS format, and Windows XP don't recognice my HDD with Linux. I hope I will solve it, couse I have all my files, textures, etc in a NTFS partition and I can't use it with Linux SO.
On the other hand I will install Celestia Linux version, I'll try how to select spanish version, and I wuold like to compile it for Windows. But I must study programing first. I also want to traslate celestia-kde.pot to catalanish, the other official languaje of the Balearic Islands, and the ones used on my classroom. I don't know what to do after to put it within reach of all, maybe at

Posted: 30.11.2003, 23:55
by Christophe
Anonymous wrote:On the other hand I will install Celestia Linux version, I'll try how to select spanish version, and I wuold like to compile it for Windows. But I must study programing first. I also want to traslate celestia-kde.pot to catalanish, the other official languaje of the Balearic Islands, and the ones used on my classroom. I don't know what to do after to put it within reach of all, maybe at

The new translation site is:

Once you've translated the file, send it by e-mail to:

I'll add it to the Celestia CVS for inclusion in the next release.

I'm planning to work on use of True Type Fonts once 1.3.1 is released, that's a required step for full i18n of Celestia.


Posted: 02.12.2003, 05:37
by John Van Vliet
Hi you could also install Cygwin- cygKDE , i had KDE on my win XP box
however kde runs very,very slow on cygwin so i switched to Gnome
then use the spainish Celestia - KDE.

Celestia for Linux

Posted: 10.12.2003, 14:21
by madagh
I just installed Celestia for Linux, now I would like to get that the menus were in spanish. I have downloaded es.po but I don't know what to do with, and if I can compile Celestia for Windows in spanish. Anybody can help me?
I'm also translating it to catalanish. I'll post it to as soon as I finish it.
I just see that Celestia runs slower in Linux but in Windows. I have a 128Mb new graphic card and I don't understand what should be the problem.

Re: Celestia for Linux

Posted: 10.12.2003, 15:51
by Christophe
madagh wrote:I just installed Celestia for Linux, now I would like to get that the menus were in spanish. I have downloaded es.po but I don't know what to do with, and if I can compile Celestia for Windows in spanish. Anybody can help me?

You need to download the latest CVS snapshot:

Then compile and install it:

Code: Select all

tar xvzf celestia-cvs.latest.tgz
cd celestia
./configure --with-kde
make install

You don't need the es.po file, it's already included in the sources.

You also need to install the spanish i18n package for KDE if you don't already have it, and configure KDE to be in spanish.

Then start celestia.

madagh wrote:I'm also translating it to catalanish. I'll post it to as soon as I finish it.
I just see that Celestia runs slower in Linux but in Windows. I have a 128Mb new graphic card and I don't understand what should be the problem.

ATI or NVidia?

You're probably using an open source driver which is not hardware accelerated. Get the binary only driver from the chipset maker's web site and follow the instructions to install it.

To make sure that you are running the correct driver, run glxgear, you should get over 1000 FPS.

Posted: 12.12.2003, 02:04
by jamarsa
madagh wrote:I still have some troubles with it, as it don't recognice my first HDD with Windows XP and NTFS format, and Windows XP don't recognice my HDD with Linux. I hope I will solve it, couse I have all my files, textures, etc in a NTFS partition and I can't use it with Linux SO.

As for this issue, you have read-only support for NTFS, but probably your distribution didn't enable it in the kernel by default. You must install the kernel source and tune it to do so. NTFS was hard to implement in Linux because there are no disclosed details of the specifications of the filesystem (and they are probably copyrighted). There is write support also, but it is DEFINITELY not recommended.

BTW, it is possible you will need the kernel also for installing the videocard drivers.

If you need help to do the work, feel free to ask.