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Sloan Digital Sky Survey in Celestia??

Posted: 11.11.2003, 16:57
by LarsS
Hi, I saw a program on Discovery about a project: "Sloan Digital Sky Survey" which was about mapping the universe.

Will the result of that be included in Celestia??

Sloan Digital Sky Survey:

regards Lars

Posted: 11.11.2003, 17:49
by selden

The SDSS DataRelease1 (up through July, 2001) includes about 2.9 TeraBytes of image data -- that's 2900GB, which would fill 15 of Seagate's 200GB IDE disk drives. I don't think that'll be included with Celestia :)

On the other hand, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some Addons are created which use some of the image data that the SDSS has been gathering.

Posted: 11.11.2003, 21:16
by JackHiggins
And don't forget about the 2MASS survey either!

Posted: 12.11.2003, 14:29
by LarsS
Hi Selden

According to what they showed in the Discovery show SDSS also seemed to be VERY detailed :-) Lesser can do it, I would say.
When having 100.000 / 2 *10^6 stars in Celestia out of 10^11 alone in our own galaxy, is just another compromise. But i'm very impressed with that anyway.

By the way 2,9 TB or for that sake 29 TB, would in few years be considered as not so much with upcomming storing medias

Best regards Lars S