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Posted: 06.11.2003, 22:31
by Fingon
Where the hell is VOYAGER1 in Celestia?????

Posted: 06.11.2003, 23:33
by JackHiggins
You can download the voyager addon at my site (the spacecraft page)

And you can get the model from Darkmiss' site at

It doesn't come installed as standard with celestia, so you have to get it seperately!

Posted: 07.11.2003, 00:30
by Darkmiss
Only use the model from my zip file.
as Jack's XYZ and SSC information files are way more up to date.

and I still think that Voyager and Cassini should be part of the Celestia Install package.

Posted: 07.11.2003, 03:28
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Jack wrote:
It doesn't come installed as standard with celestia, so you have to get it seperately!

Now there's a point of order! Is there an easy way to determine what add-ons come preinstalled with Celestia? A read me file or some similar text list? It certainly would expedite the add-on process by eliminating unnecessary searches. Admittedly, I've put little effort in searching for such a list if it does, in fact, already exist. :|

Posted: 07.11.2003, 03:52
by Guest
I was surprized to see that the Voyager missions not included with Celestia. They must have helped inspire software like this at least, with all those computer generated graphics from the 80s.

Anyway, thanks to the above nice fellas, I have it now.

Voyager 1 was in the news today, still working and sending back data.

Posted: 07.11.2003, 03:56
by lostfisherman
The above post was mine... :lol:

Posted: 07.11.2003, 19:29
by JackHiggins
Tech Sgt. Chen wrote:Now there's a point of order! Is there an easy way to determine what add-ons come preinstalled with Celestia?
Yeah tis - because there are only two really! :wink:

The two "extra" things that you get with a basic install of Celestia are minormoons.ssc, and the galileo section of solarsys.ssc, which shows the Galileo spacecraft.

The few asteroids & comets wouldn't really count as "extras" although I suppose their shape models might...

I reckon cassini should be made the default spacecraft mission now that Galileo is over, and I really think the Voyager missions should be added as standard too!

lostfisherman wrote:Voyager 1 was in the news today, still working and sending back data.

And will be until 2020 - Hurrah for 1970's RTG technology! :D

Posted: 07.11.2003, 22:24
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Jack Wrote:
I reckon cassini should be made the default spacecraft mission now that Galileo is over-

:wink: None of the missions are over for us Celestia users though!
I just place the pound sign (#) in front of the ending dates in your SSC files and voila!

Post Script: Thanks for the nice models Jack!