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From manual: How can I experience ....

Posted: 06.11.2003, 21:40
by LarsS
Hi, in the manual from page 3, following interesting possibilities is mentioned:

"Journey to the edges of a massive rotating Black Hole as it spins near its stellar companion."

"Witness a pulsar imbedded deep in the Crab Nebula spinning rapidly as it sends its twin beacons of light through the nebula gas."

"Travel back in time to witness a re-creation of what the Earth looked like billions of years ago. Be there as Orpheus, a planet the size of Mars crashes into it, creating our Moon and sending it into an orbit within a few thousand miles of Earth."

"Travel forward to the year 2900 CE to observe giant mirrors melt the Martian polar ice caps and help to terraform the planet into a verdant world of water, plants and cities of the future."

I have downloaded lot of add-ons, but obviously not enough, or?? I would like to experience these events.

regards Lars

Posted: 11.11.2003, 06:14
by Bob Hegwood

The Black Hole, the Pulsar and a whole host of other addons can be had from Celestia websites all around the world. Simply use a search engine to locate terms like "Celestia Black Hole" or Celestia Pulsar" in order to find the goodies.

I have over 50 different addons installed on my machine, MANY of which came from the websites of the members of this forum.

Ask around, and try the search engines. They are definitely out there. :D

My favorite addon resource is Mike M's page, but usually the daily bandwidth has been saturated, and you can't view the page. Keep trying though it's well worth the effort.

Mike's URL is:

Take care, Bob

Posted: 13.11.2003, 20:36
by LarsS
Hi Bob, thanks for your answer, I will try

regards Lars

Posted: 15.11.2003, 05:28
by fsgregs
Dear Lars:

Two of the four add-ons you mention in your post are available on the forum from different web sites. They are the black hole and the pulsar. You can in fact, get them and a bunch more add-ons by going to my website below. I've just posted an educational activity called "Activity 6.2 - The Life and Dearth of Stars", which takes you on a journey through the universe to learn about the life cycle of stars. It includes 5 large zip files of add-ons representing over 57 MB. The pulsar and black hole are included, along with various nebula, stars and planets. You will enjoy the journey. I urge you to download it.

Visit the thread about it at this link below.

The add-on regarding the terraforming of Mars is a large one that exists, but at the moment is not posted for download. That is because its textures and add-on size exceeds 120 MB and I'm trying to figure a way to post it without overloading my website. I will eventually post it. Please be patient.

The add-on regarding the primitive Earth/Moon system and its collision with Orpheus is available in preliminary draft form, but has been withdrawn for a bit. It too is very large to download and I'm waiting for some website space.


Frank Gregorio