Linux -- -lglut

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Linux -- -lglut

Post #1by Thomas » 05.02.2002, 21:50

./configure fails, reporting libglut 3.7 or bigger is missing.
well, i HAVE libglut 3.7 (+ symlinks on, .so.3)
and it proviedes the missing function (KeyboardUpFunc)
does anyone know about this error ???


It is me!!!


Post #2by It is me!!! » 06.02.2002, 16:38

I actually have the same problem like you.
I use glut-3.7-9.i386.rpm and it seems to
be installed correctly
when I do ./configure I get the same message
GLUT >=3.7 is not installed....

Hope somebody knows the answer.

Thanks for that. :(

Lord Norte

I have this problem too, with linux glut

Post #3by Lord Norte » 15.02.2002, 01:03

:evil: I don't know what's up? I think problem is name of library. But i try to change with symbolic link's and nothing. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!

Posts: 2
Joined: 13.02.2002
With us: 23 years

3 things

Post #4by nuts » 15.02.2002, 08:27

i am using debian potato 2.2r4 / 2.2.19

at first, i had the same problems, i got into the configure script and figured out what it tries to check:

Code: Select all

#include "confdefs.h"

char glutKeyboardUpFunc();

int main() {
return 0; }

it turned out that it did not find some stuff that is imported from the Xmu lib. that means: the glut would work perfectly, but the check fails because of an other missing lib. (...missing to be included i mean)

when i tried it with

Code: Select all

gcc test.c -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lm -lXmu -L /usr/X11R6/lib/

it worked. so (shame on me for that ugly hack) i simply changed the configure script:

search for "line 1760"
that is at the glut lib check.

directly above that is a LIBS=... line.
i changed it to:

Code: Select all

LIBS="-lglut -lXmu -L /usr/X11R6/lib $LIBS"

and then it worked.

well. no, not really :) but that was another problem:
i had an too old version of Mesa.

some things about Mesa:

Mesa 4 did not work with celestia (i just did a quick check), so i downloaded 3.4.2.

MesaDemos had to be installed, too, because it contained a glut version!
(downloading glut seperatly and compiling is a complete mess!)

i hope that did help a bit.
please correct me, if what i did to fix is crap :) i usually only do perl and compilers and makefiles and configure scripts seem to me a little bit...ehrm...weird ;)

anybody please embeds eperl into the .ssc syntax? :))
so i can control behavior of objects from outside with perl?

Code: Select all

loop {
  if (simulation->just_started()) {

no, not kidding, just imagining!!!

oh my god, if i just could script celestia with perl or python!!!
what possibilities! :))


it's just about a single parameter

Post #5by gunny » 18.02.2002, 20:29

after fingering about with the configure script :?: I guessed and tried with just one simple parameter to configure:

./configure --with-x

and that did it too. Never mind and never go nuts :wink:


Post #6by Guest » 18.02.2002, 22:19

hrrrmmm... ;)

i tried that did not work...
but maybe i just was a bit nuts, as you said



Post #7by Guest » 19.02.2002, 20:14

Make sure that you have the devel packages installed for:
xf86glu or mesaglu

Any of these, if missing, will lead to being unable to compile, with wrong
error mesages. This will be fixed in the next release, or at least, the error
messages will be much more useful :-)

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