Hi Fridger,
There is not that clear proof what you want but many little pieces leads to my current thinking about but .
It was a while ago I searched for color infomation about Io, Mars and other bodys. NASA's photojournal is e very nice and large image source and has god notes to the images. By reading this and infos of other sites I had to learn several things.
Don't trust the colors of an image (also and especially on Nasa sites) if there is no exact information about it's creation!
There is (or can be) a differnce between true/real color and natural color. All the nice Galileo pictures are real color but not natural color. Real color does mean that real color data were used for the picture but the color space must be not that of the human eye. Galileo's imaging camera used several channels with different wavelength to composite an colore image. But there was no channel for blue and red. The spacecraft used near violet (410 nanometers) and infrared (756 nanometers) to get this colors. Therefore all this nice images from Galileo represent not natural colors (or what a human would see).
There are some rare picture on the Web that tries to shows how planets and moon approximate look in natural colors.
Information about a natural colored Io allows conclutions to Jupiter.
This Voyager 1 picture comes close to my sight of things.
As I said at the begin this is not the clear proof you want.
Bye Jens
PS: My 4k Io map was made before I get this informations. I should revice this texture.