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Dos Celestia

Posted: 08.09.2003, 09:08
by Guest
Can Any One Send Me Dos Version Of Celestia............................
I Have Only That Thing...... :(


Posted: 08.09.2003, 09:46
by John Van Vliet
why dos
the win version should work

Re: Dos Celestia

Posted: 08.09.2003, 09:49
by t00fri
Anonymous wrote:Can Any One Send Me Dos Version Of Celestia............................
I Have Only That Thing...... :(

Celestia does not run on the following machines/OS;-):

Commodore 64

Since DOS does not exist anymore (officially), you might consider installing Linux, notably if you are short of money...Linux does not need much storage, is very modern and easy to install...and Celestia runs perfectly on Linux.

If you do not sign with a name, how can you expect anyone sends you something??

Bye Fridger

Posted: 08.09.2003, 11:58
by jamarsa
Are you sure you have enough hardware to support celestia? Linux can be run on rather 'old' stuff (back to i386 CPUs), but I'm not so sure about celestia...

PS: By the way, what browser are you using for posting here? Or perhaps you are using some 'DOS enhancer' ? Just curious...