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BlendTexture true

Posted: 06.09.2003, 11:32
by ElPelado
what does the "BlendTexture true" command do???

Posted: 06.09.2003, 21:40
by ElPelado
does any body know???

Posted: 07.09.2003, 04:09
by don
In what program?

If it is in Celestia, what version and where do you see this in Celestia?

Posted: 07.09.2003, 12:02
by ElPelado
here you have the code for mimas:

Code: Select all

"Mimas" "Sol/Saturn"
   Texture "mimas.*"
   #Texture "white.jpg"
   #BumpMap "mimasbump.jpg"
   #BumpHeight 5.0
   Color [ 0.75 0.63 0.58 ]
   [b]BlendTexture true[/b]
   Radius    198.6

its also in amalthea, gaspra, eros, toutatis and more.
i have the last pre, i think its 9 and i didnt make any modifications.

Posted: 07.09.2003, 12:13
by don
Ahhh, okay. I have not seen this before.

Maybe one of the planet / moon builders can share this secret? :)

Posted: 07.09.2003, 13:05
by JackHiggins
It's got something to do with combining a texture with a preset colour in the ssc file (like for Eros etc)- but the colour seems to appear whether or not you have blendtexture or not...

Posted: 07.09.2003, 14:18
by ElPelado
It's got something to do with combining a texture with a preset colour in the ssc file...

what? what is the preset color??

Posted: 07.09.2003, 20:31
by ElPelado
i understand now what this command do.
in mimas i changed the "color [R G B]" command by puting random values on the RGB and then in celestia the color of the texture changed.
nice command, but i dont know for what more we can use it.