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Not so shiny reflections

Posted: 03.09.2003, 23:33
by danielj
I saw Don Parker photos and others and compared to my situation,the reflections are not so brilhant and silvery.The effect is not so good.In my,I only see the lakes glowing softly.
Could be GF 4 MX limitations?
My sistem is Athlon XP 1800,256 MB RAM DDR 256,GF 4 MX 440 SE 64 MB,driver 44.03,Win XP,Celestia 1.3.0,,lights-aurora2k.jpg,,moon4k.jpg,,4knew-mars-clouds.png.

Posted: 04.09.2003, 00:41
by selden
You can try increasing the value of
to see if you like what it does.

Not so shiny reflections

Posted: 04.09.2003, 00:59
by danielj
How can I increase the value of Specular Power?I only have Microsoft Photo Editor to do this

Posted: 04.09.2003, 01:08
by selden
You only need to use Notepad.

SpecularPower is one of the instructions in data\solarsys.ssc. It tells Celestia how bright to draw the "reflection". The usual value is 25.0 Try something like 250.0

SpecularColor tells Celestia what color to draw the "reflection" . The usual value is [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ] which is a medium grey with a hint of blue. Try something like [ 1.0 1.0 1.0 ] which is pure white.

Don't burn your eyes out! ;)

Posted: 15.11.2003, 07:25
by Guest
Try pressing ctrl+v until you get the best picuture/performance.

Celestia Years From Now.....

Posted: 15.11.2003, 19:39
by BobCell
The particles of our galaxy will be replaced with actual stars.
Particle Engine for Clouds on Planets. (Jupiter Cloud Simulation)
Realtime Weather on Earth
Accurate Space Travel effects(motion blur, stars looking like lines)
Directx9 or 10 support.
Possible Terrain Engine
Collisions (comet hitting planet, creating crater)
Rings of Planets replaced with space dust instead of textures.
Death of Stars
Galaxy Rotation
Galaxy Collisions

Think of the possibilities!!!

Posted: 15.11.2003, 21:11
by JackHiggins

Huh? Are those feature requests or what? :?

Posted: 15.11.2003, 21:58
by Bob Roberto
Oops! I meant to make a topic....

Posted: 17.11.2003, 01:02
by bh's what I'm using for this effect...It might be a bit on the bright side for your'll have to tweak it maybe.

SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
SpecularPower 25.0
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]

Posted: 17.11.2003, 01:04
by bh
Jack...I've just noticed!!...we joined almost together.

I'll drink to that!!

Posted: 17.11.2003, 21:51
by JackHiggins
Any excuse eh bh?! :wink: :lol:

Posted: 18.11.2003, 02:28
by bh
Yeah...cheers matey :D,