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Dark asteroid texture in some Neptune moons

Posted: 24.08.2003, 04:46
by danielj
I tried to substitute the texture for a darkasteroid in soothers moons of Neptune.But the appearance is the same of the asteroid.jpg.What I did wrong?Look to my ssc in minor moons
"Naiad" "Sol/Neptune"
Texture "darkasteroid.jpg"
Color [ 0.4 0.4 0.4 ]
Mesh "asteroid.cms"
Radius 29

Period 0.294396
SemiMajorAxis 48227
Eccentricity 0.0003
Inclination 5.135 #
AscendingNode 7.545 #
ArgOfPericenter 36.057 # J2000.0
MeanAnomaly 5.947 #

Albedo 0.060

"Thalassa" "Sol/Neptune"
Texture "darkasteroid.jpg"
Color [ 0.4 0.4 0.4 ]
Mesh "asteroid.cms"
Radius 40

Period 0.311485
SemiMajorAxis 50075
Eccentricity 0.0002
Inclination 0.370 #
AscendingNode 346.174 #
ArgOfPericenter 278.052 # J2000.0
MeanAnomaly 353.320 #

Albedo 0.060

Posted: 24.08.2003, 16:29
by JackHiggins
Did you put darkasteroid.jpg in the textures>medres folder?

Posted: 24.08.2003, 16:48
by ElPelado
I'm not sure about this, but maybe the asteroid.cms has his own texture, and you can't change it. maybe you have to make an asteroid mesh that has your texture. Am I right?

Posted: 24.08.2003, 17:08
by JackHiggins
ElPelado wrote:I'm not sure about this, but maybe the asteroid.cms has his own texture, and you can't change it. maybe you have to make an asteroid mesh that has your texture. Am I right?

Nope- only 3ds models can have defined textures, but no asteroid models (Except Hektor) have them. I could put an earth texture on Eros/Ida/anything if I wanted...

Dark asteroid texture in Neptune moons

Posted: 24.08.2003, 18:33
by danielj
I did this,but didn?t worked.It?s strange;Celestia treated darkasteroid.jpg the same way as asteroid.jpg

JackHiggins wrote:Did you put darkasteroid.jpg in the textures>medres folder?

Posted: 24.08.2003, 18:55
by JackHiggins
Um.. Try deleting out the "Color" line- that might work...

Posted: 24.08.2003, 21:03
by Darkmiss
where did you get this texture called DarkAsteroid.jpg from ?

Dark asteroid texture in Neptune moons

Posted: 25.08.2003, 01:02
by danielj
Actually,I didn?t get anywhere.What I did was rename the Asteroid_D.jpg from to darkasteroid.jpg.
About the low res file,I get it from a old topic, exactly I get it from ... teroid.jpg
About the colour texture,I read about in the Topic Dark Asteroid from Troy,in August 6,2002,in the Textures forum.
Did I do anything wrong?