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Posted: 03.08.2003, 20:46
by jim
Hi all,

What's the name of this celestial body :?:



Bye Jens

Posted: 03.08.2003, 21:00
by JackHiggins
I have a feeling it's Mercury, but something tells me it's not...

Posted: 03.08.2003, 21:02
by praesepe
Ummm... it also reminds me to Rhea.. :?:

Posted: 03.08.2003, 23:23
by Darkmiss
I'd say Rhea.

Or.... the little white mark at the bottom tells me it could be Dione

Posted: 03.08.2003, 23:37
by bh
Blimey...that's a tough one. The new one beginning with 'Q' Quarooura or something?

Posted: 03.08.2003, 23:51
by JackHiggins
bh wrote:Blimey...that's a tough one. The new one beginning with 'Q' Quarooura or something?

Quaorar? Couldn't be- we have no close up pics of it so how could we identify it? Jens wouldn't do that would he...? :wink:

I'm stuck anyway- dunno what it is...

Posted: 03.08.2003, 23:59
by JackHiggins
Actually- after looking at a few more pics of Rhea- I think that's what it is.

Posted: 04.08.2003, 00:02
by chris
Sure looks like it could be Rhea:

. . . or perhaps Dione?


Posted: 04.08.2003, 05:28
by Apollo7
I will venture a guess that this is a partial view of the moon Tethys. Although the large crater Odysseus is not visible in this view, the moon does not resemble anything else in the solar system that I know of. The moons of Uranus are darker, more gray, Rhea and Dione have different surface features, as does Mimas and Enceladus. Clearly its not a moon of Jupiter, and the moon and mercury can be ruled out as the terrain is inconsistant with the known data on those bodies. Pluto/Charon can also be ruled out. As can the moons of Neptune, as only one, Trition, is substancial and one would not mistake Trition for the object in this shot. So my guess is Tethys.


Posted: 04.08.2003, 06:23
by Evil Dr Ganymede
I'm going to guess Dione (might be Rhea or Tethys though). It's absolutely definitely a moon of Saturn anyway.

Posted: 04.08.2003, 17:22
by Darkmiss
C'mon Jim is anyone close yet ?

Im going to stick with my guess of Dione
as i think you are hideing the white lines around the other side of the surface.

Posted: 04.08.2003, 18:03
by jim
Dione, Rhea or Tethys :?:

Maybe it helps if I show also a shot of the two other Saturn moons. :idea:



Now it should be possible to find out which shot shows which Saturn moon. :roll:

Bye Jens

p.s. All textures are 2k maps. :D :D :D

Posted: 04.08.2003, 19:38
by JackHiggins
Well it's got to be rhea hasn't it?!! Shot 2 is definitely tethys with that big crater near the top, and shot 3 is dione no doubt...

It's Rhea

Posted: 04.08.2003, 20:18
by Darkmiss
I understand now...... :idea:

Well it looks like this a good way for Jim to show off his new coloured saturn moon textures. :roll:
Good Quality too.

Nice one Jim.
when will you be making them available. :D

Posted: 05.08.2003, 23:00
by jim
JackHiggins wrote:Well it's got to be rhea hasn't it?!! Shot 2 is definitely tethys with that big crater near the top, and shot 3 is dione no doubt...

That's correct.

Darkmiss wrote:when will you be making them available.

Give me some days to sort and prepare all the new texture for the web.

- Rhea 2k, Tethys 2k, Dione2k, Janus 1k, Hyperion 1k, Iapetus 1k, Proteus 0,5k, Moon 8k.
And some other textures still in the pipe.

I think my web page needs a strong revision.

Bye Jens