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A first help, thanks

Posted: 28.07.2003, 10:07
by gianfry
Hi to everybody,
I am a new user of Celestia 1.3.0
congratulations to Chris for this wonderful program! :D

Excuse me for my bad English :cry: , I am Italian.

I have a first little question:
What is the original list of the documents in the directory ' Celestia\data' ?

I don't have, for example, the document: galaxies.dat

I have dowload this file from internet, how can I install it? (is not reference in celestia.cfg)

Code: Select all

# Extended galaxy catalog for Celestia 

# Version 1.00 
#  - Added version number 
#  - Added galaxies out to NGC 4151 
#  - Added Messier designations to globular clusters 
# An extension of the original galaxies.dat 
# Modified by Paul Baulch ( 

# What to do with this file: 

# 1) Copy this file to Celestia/Data/ 
# 2) Back up a copy of 'galaxies.dat' 
# 3) Rename this file to 'galaxies.dat'. 
# 4) Run Celestia, and you should see the rest of the Universe! 

Thanks for your help :D

Posted: 28.07.2003, 10:20
by TWiNkIe
hehe, I wouldn't worry about the English. Yours seems to be better then some who speak English as a first language. ;)

Posted: 28.07.2003, 11:33
by selden

Celestia v1.3.0 has many changes from v1.2.5. One is that galaxy.dat no longer is used. Instead it uses .DSC (Deep Space Catalog) files. See for replacements for the expanded galaxies.dat.

Here's a list of what should be in the data directory:

Does this help?

Posted: 28.07.2003, 12:47
by gianfry
Thanks Selden,
you have clarified my doubt perfectly, I will download as soon as possible your catalogs.

I take advantage from this thread for making a new question:
one of the rare problems that I have found it is the selection of an object with the mouse.
In the guide, pag. 17, are written:
' The simplest way to select an object is to point at it with your mouse and [left-click] on it. '
well, me this I succeed in doing it only with a few objects (example: click a star and the program it selects another object...)
what am I wrong?

thanks still

Posted: 31.07.2003, 19:32
by Paolo
Hi Gianfry

I'm glad that another Italian has joined this forum and started to appreciate this wonderful program. BTW we are relatively neighbor. I live in Azzano X near Pordenone.

The simplest way to select objects is to left click on them. But accurate selection is difficult especially when the observer position is far from the destination and you want to select objects like jupiter or saturn that have a lot of satellites.

So seldom I use this method. In Celestia windows version I use keyboard 1-9 to select the planets. To select other objects like satellites or stars I use the Enter Command and then I type the name. In the bottom appear a list of the available named objects that starts with the first letters that you've typed that can be selected with the tab key.

I'm the ICT manager in the company where I work, so I think to be quite expert about HW/SW configuration problems. But about the strange behaviour that you've mentioned also in another thread I have no idea of the solution. So I cannot give you other advice. Sorry.

Bye - Paolo

Posted: 01.08.2003, 08:41
by gianfry
Hi Paolo,
even if the thing still remains incomprehensible, I have resigned, for the moment, to this situation.
However nothing similar has never happened me and I don't succeed to put me the soul in peace (I am a stubborn in certain things).

Hardly possible I will make a test on a different system.

bye - gianfry


Posted: 01.08.2003, 09:03
by John Van Vliet
I use the right mouse to change the direction i am looking then use the home and end buttons to go flying arond -- its fun --