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How to get Celestia 1.3.1pre* ?

Posted: 27.07.2003, 09:47
by Whereisit

I have Celestia 1.3.0 and it works fine, but...
I'd like to see the cities on earth, so i need to get 1.3.1pre* (for Windows).

I went to the CVS: ... /celestia/

...But i can't find the .zip file!

What/Where shall i download?!

Thanks for your help!!

Posted: 27.07.2003, 10:30
by Darkmiss
Hello Whereisit.
The files you are looking for are here

Celestia v 1.3.1pre6

and the City locations is here

But i hope you are not expecting to see city models.
this is just a list of city names in text, overlayed on to the earth texture.

Posted: 27.07.2003, 12:50
by GetYourselfAName
Hello, Darkmiss! (i know i should get a name)
Thanks for the links! :D

Darkmiss wrote:But i hope you are not expecting to see city models.
this is just a list of city names in text, overlayed on to the earth texture.

- no i wasn't expecting city models... i know it's not on Chris'todo list yet. Apparently planet textures close-up / cities are not easy to include in Celestia, and it's not Chris priority. So i'll wait :?

Posted: 27.07.2003, 13:10
by SpaceMan
I downloaded the files and then as said Fridger
- put the .ssc file in the extra directory
- start celestia
- switch the labels on with the '&' key and also approach the earth sufficiently (on my screen ~6300 km at standard FOV) for labels to pop up.

... and it works fine :P

Posted: 27.07.2003, 17:53
by Darkmiss
Glad to hear you got things worked out okay..... Whoeveryouare

Why dont you join the forums permenantly,
there really is a great bunch of people here, to help you out in all matters
Celestia related.

and lots of Celestia extras to find on the forums