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How: Set Time (not just date) in Script?

Posted: 12.07.2003, 23:52
by don

As many others are, I too am new to Celestia. Thank you team, for writing and enhancing it! I love it!

I would like to set a specific time via a script, but the Time function appears to be for setting the date (Julian day) only. Maybe this function should be renamed to SetDate, and a SetTime function added?

The cmdparser code shows only a single number is passed [getNumber("jd", jd);], so that means there is no separator in the jd parameter for a time value, correct?

So, how do I set a specific time of day, to something other than the default value of 12:00:00 UTC which is set when the Time (actually a Date) function is executed?

Thank you!


Posted: 12.07.2003, 23:59
by -Shadow-
I don't know about scripting, but you can set the time through Celestia to be synchronized with your computer.If you want to set it with a script for fun etc., then a member who has more knowledge then I on scripting will most likely reply to your thread :)
BTW Welcome to the boards :)

- Shadow

Posted: 13.07.2003, 00:01
by don
Think I just found out ... using the decimal place, and then a very long number (seconds?). I'll get it figured out yet (smile). Finally found a calendar date to Julian Day converter, now I need to do some more conversion for time.
