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Yet another 1.3.1 prerelease
Posted: 08.07.2003, 15:45
by chris
Celestia 1.3.1 prerelease 6: ... .1pre6.exe
If you have prerelease 5, you can get by with just updating the EXE: ...
The major new features in this release are improved location support, the new 'scaled disc' style of star rendering, abiogenesis's orbit selection enhancements, and better display of spacecraft orbits.
Posted: 08.07.2003, 16:17
by JrzyCrim
As a new Celestia user, I do not really have much to offer the Celestia community. I at least wanted to thank you, Chris, and all the others who have obviously labored hard on this great program. I have been using Celstia for less than a week and am constantly amazed at the features and flexibility that Celestia offers. I can only hope that in the future I will have something worthy to contribute.
Thank you for a fantastic program.
Posted: 08.07.2003, 20:42
by Darkmiss
Chris and the others do seem to work very hard on Celestia
Updates seem to arrive quite regular.
I cant even remember what build number i first arrived at.
As i have been useing Celestia for nearly a year now
If you have prerelease 5, you can get by with just updating the EXE:
Chris are any other files updates other than the main .EXE

Posted: 08.07.2003, 21:04
by ElPelado
its just me, or the "stars as points" option dissapeared??
Posted: 08.07.2003, 21:06
by chris
It's disappeared from the view options dialog and moved to the Star Style submenu in the Render menu.
Posted: 08.07.2003, 22:10
by -Shadow-
Hmm, The Links don't seem to be working for me
I'll send my dad an Email so he can download it for me at work.
I've had Celestia since about October 22 2002 and still love it, lot's of add-ons, updates come at great intervals, and there's pre-releases.
- Shadow
Posted: 08.07.2003, 22:20
by jamarsa
The new scaled discs rendering feature its very nice... but I find the scale a bit excessive. You can see the Sun from Pluto almost the same size as viewed from earth...
Also, something strange has happened to discworld in the HD 512 system!! From a distance, all the segments are discs, and the whole discworld seems a turbine engine at closer distance

(all the segments are rotated).
... Or it's just my graphic card?

Posted: 08.07.2003, 23:36
by Evil Dr Ganymede
I turned on all the orbits, went below the plane of the solar system and looked up, and saw this:
You can get a similar view by using the Goto Object requestor to go to Sol, Lat -90, Lon 0, distance 200 AU.
Note the grey 'half-orbits' that seem to disappear off into space, on the right of the image? One seems to start at Jupiter's orbit, the other starts around Uranus' orbit.
I turned on the spacecraft labels, and apparently they're Voyager 1 and Voyager 2... but shouldn't those start at Earth? Is this a bug?
Also, the comet labels seemed to be turned on when there's no tick in the checkbox, and turned off when the checkbox is ticked.
Posted: 09.07.2003, 01:57
by Rassilon
stars rendered as scaled discs looks really sweet...Looks rather interesting in a globular cluster...
Posted: 09.07.2003, 05:01
by Harpeum
Celestia is the better planetary/sci support what I know. It's amazing participate of this project.
Good Job Persons!
Posted: 09.07.2003, 05:53
by jamarsa
Rassilon wrote:stars rendered as scaled discs looks really sweet...Looks rather interesting in a globular cluster...
Rass, have you seen your Rosetta cluster with this option? I fear you'll have to reduce the stars size a little, or get burned in the approach!!

Posted: 09.07.2003, 12:19
by JackHiggins
Evil Dr. Ganymede wrote:Note the grey 'half-orbits' that seem to disappear off into space, on the right of the image? One seems to start at Jupiter's orbit, the other starts around Uranus' orbit.
I turned on the spacecraft labels, and apparently they're Voyager 1 and Voyager 2... but shouldn't those start at Earth? Is this a bug?
That's because you have the fake voyager ssc files, instead of the proper xyz's... You can get the xyz's for those & the pioneers from my site.
Posted: 09.07.2003, 14:21
by Evil Dr Ganymede
JackHiggins wrote:Evil Dr. Ganymede wrote:Note the grey 'half-orbits' that seem to disappear off into space, on the right of the image? One seems to start at Jupiter's orbit, the other starts around Uranus' orbit.
I turned on the spacecraft labels, and apparently they're Voyager 1 and Voyager 2... but shouldn't those start at Earth? Is this a bug?
That's because you have the fake voyager ssc files, instead of the proper xyz's... You can get the xyz's for those & the pioneers from my site.
Nope. I'm using your voyager files. Though I found out what the problem was - I was storing the XYZ files in the wrong 'data' folder.
Though now the problem seems to be that the voyager model isn't there (I must have lost it on the reinstall), and I can't find it on your site - all I have now are the correct trajectories. Anyone know where the voyager.3ds model can be found?
Posted: 09.07.2003, 17:40
by JackHiggins
Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Though now the problem seems to be that the voyager model isn't there (I must have lost it on the reinstall), and I can't find it on your site - all I have now are the correct trajectories. Anyone know where the voyager.3ds model can be found?
You can get the voyager model from darkmiss' site: