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question to scripts

Posted: 07.07.2003, 12:03
by obiweb

Can anyone tell me how to use special characters like (danish) ?, ? and ? in the screencomments to the script. Normal way with backslash before ascii-code does not work.


Posted: 07.07.2003, 18:41
by JackHiggins
You were able to type those characters into the forum post thing, so you should do the exact same for putting them into the Celestia scripts! If you have windows just look up character map, & see what the code is to type the characters.. Usually it's something like >Alt + 0189< etc

I don't think the cel scripts run from ASCII (like in html) they just work from normal text.

Come to think of it, I remember someone saying some time ago, that a lot of special characters had been left out of the font files that Celestia uses... Dunno has this been fixed or not though

question to scripts

Posted: 07.07.2003, 23:33
by obiweb
Thank you for your reply

I have no problem finding the characters - they're on my danish keyboard. But they don't show up when I type them directly in the script.

Maybe you're right about the missing characters
