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Signature images.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 04:17
by marc
Im getting a bit pissed off with the size and irrelevance of some of the signature images getting about.
Opinions please.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 04:32
by Evil Dr Ganymede
What's a signature image? Do you mean the pictures that some people sign off with here, or signatures on art that people produce with Celestia, or something else? I'm guessing you mean the first, in which case yeah, I agree.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 09:49
by ElPelado
I think that if the image is small, it's ok. but there are some here(I dont want to give names) that are very big. I my self put a big image, and then I made it samller.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 11:40
by Paolo
I would prefer the capability of assigning an avatar image in the profile as I've seen in other forums.

I don't know why phpBB on doesn't do this. Indeed if you edit your forum profile the fields are available at the bottom but this feature does not function.

Perhapsit is disabled because this feature should generate a considerable amount of extra traffic on the connection.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 12:10
by pint
ElPelado wrote:I think that if the image is small, it's ok. but there are some here(I dont want to give names) that are very big. I my self put a big image, and then I made it samller.

for my taste, ElPelado's sig img is too big. bigger then the post itself. and for the whole sig, it is three times as big as the post.

edit: and the 60K size is not big, but tremendous. the text contents of the whole topic is tiny compared to that.

you, guys, would think twice if you had an internet bandwidth like mine.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 12:40
by ElPelado
pint, i changed it. now its smaller, and in jpg format, not png like before.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 13:14
by -Shadow-
Is my sig considered too big?
It's 17.5 kb roughly and 460 x 168.
I'm just wondering if that considered too big.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 14:16
by ElPelado
I'm sorry but i think that is too big for a signature.
I really like it, 'cause I play guitar and i love strange guitars(btw go to, but is too big. maybe you can reduce its size... if you can't, no problem. :D

Posted: 30.06.2003, 14:31
by granthutchison
I'm afraid I find it too large, too. It occupies more space than most of your posts, it distracts the eye from the content of the thread, and it involves a deal of extra scrolling if you have made several contributions to the same thread. I agree it's a nice picture, but only the first ten times I see it :wink:. After that I begin to feel that nothing would be lost if it appeared as a tiny image that simply helped identify you.


Posted: 30.06.2003, 14:58
by -Shadow-
I can't make it smaller since I'm not hosting it and since I don't have a Host. It was actually the smallest pic of the NJ beast I could find.
All the other pictures are like 700 x 700 plus.
Which you would agree is way too big. Sorry for not writing
much I don't usually because I don't have anything else too say
or i'm running short on time and I'm just typing waht ever I can in a very limited period of time. When I'm feeling chatty I type much more
I'm typing a little more now since i have more to say on the Subject.
If you can make it smaller and host it somewhere then please send me a link and I'll update it( but if you do don't make it all demented, sometimes when you make a picture smaller it looses it's shape almost completly )
I'll try to post more in the future.

P.S. ElPelado that one is sweet 8) :D


Posted: 30.06.2003, 15:29
by Sum0
I think once a signature picture becomes larger than an average post it's too big. Certain forums which I won't mention :twisted: have users with enormous signatures that break about twenty-two of the Stuff That Should Never Be Used On A Webpage rules and literally are 5 or 6 times the size of the posts and slow down the forums horribly.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 15:37
by abiogenesis
I don't get them at all. When the same image appears tacked onto every single post by a user, it can't possibly convey any meaningful or relevant information. The identification argument falls apart because their name appears to the left. What more identification is necessary? Personally, I think it's an abuse of the ability to insert images into posts. They just add clutter.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

Posted: 30.06.2003, 16:04
by granthutchison
-Shadow- wrote:Sorry for not writing much I don't usually because I don't have anything else too say
Don't worry, I cetainly wasn't complaining because you made small posts. I was just trying to make the same point Sum0 makes - that a picture that occupies more space than your average posting is 'way too big a picture.
I do have a lot of sympathy with abiogenesis' view that they're just useless clutter - so if you do want a signature image, going for a tiny thumbnail version is the best way to avoid irritating others.


Posted: 30.06.2003, 16:11
by -Shadow-
i found a smaller picture, avatar size I'll find it when I get home.
The only problem is i don't have anywhere to host it.

Posted: 30.06.2003, 16:30
by t00fri
Personally, I do not like these images at all, not even /prefabricated/ smileys (I prefer doing my own ones;-)). But I am tolerant and can live with many things in good spirits...

By entertaining a dialog with -Shadow- in Selden's thread on the Sobig.E virus, I managed to assemble 9 (!) of Shadow's "flying motorbikes" onto /one page/, admittedly with a few nasty tricks;-). I was just wondering how this page would appear under 800x600 resolution which is still serving as Celestias "base resolution";-)

Bye bye Fridger


Posted: 30.06.2003, 16:50
by LadyHawke
Hoping mine is not too large or irritating to anyone...Rass made this for me, and it has great meaning to me....anyway..i dont post that u wont see it very more of an observer than a poster..

Posted: 30.06.2003, 17:06
by -Shadow-
No that one is very small Katie
Atleast noone will be bothering you for it! :)
P.S. Fridger don't call me -Shadow- it's just Shadow
The Forum wouldn't let me just use Shadow :(
1+1+1+2+1=6 Flying Motor Bikes!!!

Posted: 30.06.2003, 17:07
by jamarsa
It's very pretty (and small), no doubt. :wink:

Posted: 30.06.2003, 18:10
by t00fri
-Shadow- wrote:No that one is very small Katie
Atleast noone will be bothering you for it! :)
P.S. Fridger don't call me -Shadow- it's just Shadow
The Forum wouldn't let me just use Shadow :(
1+1+1+2+1=6 Flying Motor Bikes!!!

OK, -Shadow-, I shall call you Shadow;-). I could also call you Orpheus or -Orpheus- if you so prefer.

I counted 9 "flying motor bikes". Note it was not in this thread here but in Selden's Virus... threat of yesterday!

Is'nt it just a beautiful instrument??;-)


said "Mother guitar"


to "Baby guitar"


Bye bye Fridger;-)

Posted: 30.06.2003, 18:20
by -Shadow-
But in this thread we got 11 Flying motorBikes!!
Just call me Shadow, that's what I'm called everywhere else ... ow_class_2 that's me at an older forum which has been closed down for many months, hmm From what i remeber Rass used too go there too he was moderator for the modding section. Yeah it's beautiful, but do you know what it needs.....
A twin turbo-charger, N.O.S and a Rocket Launcher from Quake 3 Arena!
Maybe two necks? Then you can play more cords! lol