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1.3.1 prerelease 5 binaries for Windows

Posted: 27.06.2003, 16:40
by chris
Here's a new prerelease for Windows: ... .1pre5.exe

Or, if you want just the EXE: ...

If you have 1.3.1pre3 or earlier, you should probably download the whole package, as there are new textures and changes to stars.dat and other data files. The major new feature in this release are locations . . . See Fridger's post about 500 high precision locations for more info. I've also generated some files from the USGS solar system features database: ... locations/


Posted: 27.06.2003, 21:17
by DJ_Night
:) great.. thanks... some long awaited features are finally here, keep up the good work.

Posted: 27.06.2003, 21:51
by ElPelado
why in the title says "binaries"?? what does it means?

Posted: 27.06.2003, 22:44
by JackHiggins
You know, binaries, like EXE files...

Posted: 27.06.2003, 23:16
by ElPelado

are you talking about that??

Posted: 27.06.2003, 23:21
by selden

binary is another of those English words that comes from a dead European language :)

binarius = Latin for "two at a time"

"bi" is used as a prefix in words that descibe objects with two of something. Like "bicycle"

Computer "binaries" are files that contain data directly used by computers, consisting of 1s and 0s -- binary values.

Posted: 27.06.2003, 23:31
by ElPelado
I know what BI is, but i didnt understand the title. maybe it was refered to the adition of binary-star-system on celestia. thats why I asked.
I have sutied electronics and i really know what is binary.

Posted: 27.06.2003, 23:40
by selden
yup: "binaries" is very ambiguous in a forum about computerized astronomy!

Posted: 28.06.2003, 16:41
by Guest
You finally used an accurate Pluto texture. :D

Posted: 28.06.2003, 18:22
by chris
Anonymous wrote:You finally used an accurate Pluto texture. :D

The final version of 1.3.1 will have both an interpretive and the accurate Pluto texture.


Posted: 28.06.2003, 18:42
by t00fri
Anonymous wrote:You finally used an accurate Pluto texture. :D

...said God and vanished again behind the clouds;-)

Who are you by the way?

Bye Fridger

Posted: 28.06.2003, 19:03
by Jeam Tag
Anonymous wrote:You finally used an accurate Pluto texture. :D

"bonsoir chez vous" Anonymous
(+- Hi all!)
My comprehension of the english is no perfect that i've not understanting all the problems wt the Pluto renderring, but i try to sum up the choices clearly in my comments on the "work in progress" prereleased pages of french addons catalogue :
1/ we must have an accurate texture witch is presents the more recent knowledges of pluto/Charon, for the reality rendering of Celestia (the eternal problem of limits of knowledge: arghhh):
it's really great :D
2/ Even these planets are not precisely mapped yet, for the beauty of Celestia, "acurrate knowledge extrapolations" (i'm don't sure of my words, sorry!) are neccessary *too*..
LoRes, MedRes and HiRes offer personnal choices, no?
It is depending of the use of this extraordinary programm, isn't it???
So, it's great to have different choices, and i finish this message with congratulations for *all* the Celestia contributors.
This is my way to love It.
Jeam Tag

Posted: 05.07.2003, 02:42
by Michael
I guess I am a little late with this but... each pre-release since the last full version seems to run more slowly on my system. I have integrated graphics, BUT 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 ran fairly well. The latest releases run very slowly/jerkily at full screen. Windowed they are not too bad. The previous versions seem to have run better at full screen than windowed.
I would upgrade my graphics but would also need to change (increase) my power supply. Not too sure about doing this!
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. If this cannot be "fixed" I will simply run the older versions until I get a new system.