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Viewing Cel Scripts.

Posted: 24.05.2003, 21:58
by Darkmiss
These Cel scripts are great. i love being able to view what other people have found, and viewing it exactly as they was seeing it.

But is it posible to make Celestia put all the settings back as they was
before you view the script

Both me and Don both got caught out with the marker box recently.
not knowing what they where, or how to turn them off

But also i have to got into the setting and change load of things back to how i had them, nearly every time i view one of these scripts.

Posted: 24.05.2003, 22:02
by Darkmiss
also the one person I thought would make great use of these cel scripts
would have been Calculus.

but No...

He has posted so many threads about events going on in the galaxy
and making some great gallery shots too.

Posted: 24.05.2003, 22:46
by selden

I mentioned this in another thread or two, but just to make sure others don't get confused:

These are Cel:// URLs not Cel scripts. Scripts are quite different.

URLs immediately put Celestia at exactly the viewpoint that someone has recorded.

Scripts are used to give Celestia a list of places to go, things to look at, how fast to do it, and with messages on the screen if you want.

Posted: 25.05.2003, 14:36
by Calculus
Darkmiss wrote:also the one person I thought would make great use of these cel scripts
would have been Calculus.

but No...

He has posted so many threads about events going on in the galaxy
and making some great gallery shots too.

I made all these shots before the Cel//URLs feature was added to Celestia. I certainly use this feature now, it is so usefull. For the time being, I do not have too much time, I just have glances at the forum to see what is going on. Maybe in the future I'll post some of my Celestial Phenomena that I have done(with the Cel:URL) and I'll make new ones.

Re: Viewing Cel Scripts.

Posted: 25.05.2003, 15:07
by Thierry..
Darkmiss wrote:But also i have to got into the setting and change load of things back to how i had them, nearly every time i view one of these scripts.


It's easy to get your settings back: just create a shortcut with YOUR settings, and run Celestia with it every time you want your settings back.

Step by step:
1. Open Celestia
2. Customize the settings as you like
3. Press Ctrl+Ins (confirmation msg should show up)
4. Create a new shortcut (or edit Celestia shortcut)
5. "Paste" in the target field
6. That's it!

Posted: 27.05.2003, 09:27
by Darkmiss
Yes, but wouldn't it be nice if Celestia put all the settings back for you,
as they were before you viewed somone elses URL

Posted: 27.05.2003, 11:42
by selden
But how is Celestia going to know when to restore your defaults? And how is it going to know which defaults to restore? At the very least there'd have to be a keypress and/or menu items associated with the restoration.

What I do is create an HTML page in the Celestia directory where I'm working using Notepad. Think of it as an external Celestia menu.

For example, the file CEL.HTML might start out containing just

Code: Select all

<a href="

"> Celestia_Link </a>

I have this file open all the time I'm working both in a browser window and in a Notepad window. I paste new Cel://URLs on the line in between the quotes.

For example, whenever I want to make a new "default", that is, a new Cel:// URL, I type <Ctrl-Ins> to Celestia. I then highlight the line to be changed in Notepad and use <right-mouse-button>Paste to insert the new URL. Then I click on the <Refresh> icon of the browser window.

Now Celestia will jump to that new state and viewpoint whenever I click on Celestia_Link.

Does this help?