You need to use PrecessionRate to get this effect.
Here's a little test object in orbit around Sol, with its north pole directed always towards the star:
Code: Select all
"Test" "Sol"
Texture "mars.jpg"
Radius 1000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 1
SemiMajorAxis 1
RotationPeriod 24
Obliquity 90 #tilted by 90 degrees
EquatorAscendingNode 270 #N pole facing star
PrecessionRate 0.985647 #degrees/day = 360/(Period*365.2422)
PrecessionRate needs to be in degrees/day, whereas Period is in years, so you need to convert your chosen period to a required PrecessionRate as shown.
If you've defined an AscendingNode, ArgOfPericenter and/or MeanAnomaly for your planet's orbit, you'll need to adjust the EquatorAscendingNode I've given. If your orbital Inclination is pretty small, of the order of a few degrees, then you can get a pretty good fix as follows. For north pole pointing at the star:
EquatorAscendingNode = AscendingNode+ArgOfPericenter+MeanAnomaly+270
For south pole pointing at star, it's the same equation less 180 degrees:
EquatorAscendingNode = AscendingNode+ArgOfPericenter+MeanAnomaly+90
If you have a high-Inclination orbit then things get slightly trickier - feel free to get back to me.