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New star discovered!

Posted: 21.05.2003, 07:25
by Yotto
This is fairly big, and I figure all us Astrogeeks will eat this up.
Check out the story here

The star is the 3rd closest to the sun, roughly in the direction of Alpha Centauri. Sadly, I can't find the coordinates of the star in the article, though its name is "SO25300.5+165258." if that tells anybody anything. If I find real coords I'll post them, and if anybody knows how to turn that name into real coords, post away.

Now I have a reason to figure out the config files :)

Re: New star discovered!

Posted: 21.05.2003, 13:54
by granthutchison
Yotto wrote:The star is the 3rd closest to the sun, roughly in the direction of Alpha Centauri. Sadly, I can't find the coordinates of the star in the article, though its name is "SO25300.5+165258."

Yotto, it's unlikely to be so close - the error in its measured distance is large, and a close distance is inconsistent with its spectral class. See for some discussion of this.
But if anyone wants to add it to their Celestia the coordinates in decimal degrees are:

RA 43.253500
Dec 16.881389

That's in the constellation Aries, nowhere near Alpha Centauri.
