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Posted: 12.05.2003, 17:42
by ElPelado
can someone explain me why this code works:

Code: Select all

"Death Star 2" "rho crb"
       Mesh "Dstar2.3ds"
       Radius 130
       EllipticalOrbit {   
      Period            2
      SemiMajorAxis     24200
           CloudMap ""
       RotationPeriod 0.2

and this one doesn't:

Code: Select all

"Death Star 2" "HD 154116/Endor"
       Mesh "Dstar2.3ds"
       Radius 130
       EllipticalOrbit {   
      Period            2
      SemiMajorAxis     8200
           CloudMap ""
       RotationPeriod 0.2

the only difference is his position. the first one i see it without problems, the second one, it doesnt exist. it doesnt even appear one the solar sytem browser.[/quote]

Posted: 12.05.2003, 20:46
by JackHiggins
Because you need to put in a # before any text that doesn't directly specify orbital data/rotaion obliquity etc.
Write it like this & you'll be ok

Code: Select all

"Death Star 2" "HD 154116/Endor"
       Mesh "Dstar2.3ds"
       Radius 130
      Period            2
      SemiMajorAxis     8200
           CloudMap ""
       RotationPeriod 0.2

#the only difference is his position. the first one i see it without problems,
#the second one, it doesnt exist. it doesnt even appear one the solar
#sytem browser.

Posted: 13.05.2003, 01:23
by Paul
Jack, that bit of text wasn't supposed to be in his quote! :lol:
You can see the "quote" symbol where the text actually ended in his post...


Posted: 13.05.2003, 01:56
by granthutchison
Can you see Endor in orbit around HD 154116? Have you named it correctly? If Celestia doesn't find precisely the object name you've written, it won't place the satellite.


Posted: 13.05.2003, 07:29
by ElPelado
yes, i see endor, and i also see the "death star 2" orbiting around the "rho crb" star. the only problem is that i cannot see it orbiting around endor.
i opend the star wars.ssc and copyed the exact name of endor to my death star 2.ssc. but it doesnt work.

Posted: 13.05.2003, 07:33
by ElPelado
i forgot to tell you that i also tryed to put it around naboo and it doesnt work too. and i also tryed to put this orbiting endor, and it ALSO didnt work:
"mio" "HD 154116/endor"
Mesh "ufo.3ds"
Radius 130
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 2
SemiMajorAxis 8200
RotationPeriod 0.2

Posted: 13.05.2003, 12:54
by ElPelado
i solved the problem:
i put the death satr and the endor codes in the same .ssc file, and now, i dont know why, it works!
thanks for the help anyway

Posted: 14.05.2003, 04:29
by Ortolan
It's because Celestia was loading deathstar2.ssc before loading starwars.ssc and not finding Endor. (ssc files are loaded alphabetically and D is before S)