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My site......

Posted: 11.05.2003, 06:08
by billybob884
..... will not be updated for a while. I finally got some time to update it, and web1000 decides not to work. Well, this is the last straw! From today on, I will NEVER post another update on it AGAIN. It will take a little time to find something new, but I have all weekend. the old site will still stay up, even after the new one is up. Basically, when I sign in, it said I have no files. So I re-uploaded EVERYTHING and it worked. Sort of. Everything was uploaded, but nothing changed. So I have no idea whats going on, and I've just had it with them (as some of you know). I'll post when the new site is up. I'll have to do a bit of work with the html of it, so if anyone has any suggestions as to what should be changed, let me know.


Posted: 12.05.2003, 03:11
by John Van Vliet
Hi billybob . I take it that you are not hosting your site .
I am not fermilur with web 1000 so i dont have any idias other than
I am using xoops -an offshoot of post nuke - and apache
I havent had any problems , except ones of MY OWN DOING
Iv'e managed to mmess up the site a few times .

Posted: 14.05.2003, 02:45
by billybob884
alright! i thikn i may have found something that will actually work (and i'll be able to put EVERY file on the dowlnoad list there too). I don't want to say too much, i might jinx it. we'll see what happens.

Posted: 16.05.2003, 11:39
by billybob884
Ok, it is pending review, and I have jsut recieved a follow up to send more info (username, pass, type of site, ect). If it is accepted, I'll get the 600 mb I need to put everything up (barely!), and 1 gig of bandwidth. I think thats pretty darn good. There will be one ad on my page, the first one, it will actually be a pretty big one, but I get to choose where it goes, so thats a plus. I have to have this in order to get the full 600 MB. We'll have to wait probably a few more days for the final decision, though.

Posted: 25.05.2003, 22:47
by billybob884
Ok! Finally got my site up, although it doesnt have hte 600 mb, and it has ads now! YEAH! Oh well, at least you all can get to it now. The address is: Oh, one more thing. It's pretty out of date, I'll be uploading the new download page later tonight. As for the plentiful ads, there should only be one per page, and I'm talking to the site about this right now. Update your links!

Posted: 25.05.2003, 23:10
by Guest
Nope...I get an error.

Posted: 25.05.2003, 23:42
billybob884 wrote:Ok! Finally got my site up, although it doesnt have hte 600 mb, and it has ads now! YEAH! Oh well, at least you all can get to it now. The address is: Oh, one more thing. It's pretty out of date, I'll be uploading the new download page later tonight. As for the plentiful ads, there should only be one per page, and I'm talking to the site about this right now. Update your links!

I receive the error message:


Posted: 26.05.2003, 00:15
by billybob884
oops! take out the www.

Posted: 26.05.2003, 09:24
billybob884 wrote:oops! take out the www.

Yes, now it works.
Thank you


Posted: 26.05.2003, 23:34
by billybob884
ok fixed the problem wiht the ads, only one now.

Posted: 28.05.2003, 02:17
by billybob884
Ok, go to the first index page, and I got a nice little flash intro. I may keep it permenently, or just as a temoprary thing, not sure yet. Any comments?

Posted: 28.05.2003, 03:35
by selden
Unfortunately, you don't seem to have included a way to bypass the intro. Once a visitor has seen it once, they really don't want to be forced to sit through it the next time they visit. And they may not even want to see it the first time. As a result, they'll give up in disgust and go somewhere else.

This is a standard problem for sites that use Flash.

Posted: 28.05.2003, 11:29
by billybob884
well, one thing you could do is just bookmark index2.htm, so you'll be on the page right after the intro, but i'll add a skip button under it for anyone else to lazy to update their links :wink:

Web space

Posted: 28.05.2003, 11:47
by gaselli

I?m a celestia fan, althought not really able to use it now as I sold my Gfx card. Anyways, seen guys struggle with ad-supported "free" hosting services, maybe I could help a little bit. To support the community.

I have something like 300MB free on my domain, and 10Gb/month traffic restriction. No ads. There is not going to be very much traffic for a while (in a few months) on my site, so theres no problem having some celestia files in there. Anyway I'm paying for the space so there's no sense in keeping it empty :)

I also have something about 20Megs of space with no traffic restrictions at all.

So feel free to mail me if you don?t find webspace for your addons etc.

Contact info can be found at

Posted: 28.05.2003, 12:58
by Buzz
Hi Gaselli,

Thanks for your offer! There is great interest in a place with sufficient space to upload all (?) addons, see also


Posted: 28.05.2003, 20:06
by billybob884
Ok, everybody lisdten up for a sec. Anyone that has had problems with my site because of being outside the us, or firewall problems, or whatever, I need you to try going to my site one more time. If you still can't get there, then I give up. Maybe in that case I'll talk to chris about getting some space on the shatters domain.

Posted: 28.05.2003, 23:07
billybob884 wrote:Ok, everybody lisdten up for a sec. Anyone that has had problems with my site because of being outside the us, or firewall problems, or whatever, I need you to try going to my site one more time. If you still can't get there, then I give up. Maybe in that case I'll talk to chris about getting some space on the shatters domain.

Mike, now with the "SKIP INTRO" button there are no problems to reach your files in a short time.
The only problem is that doing this I received a lot of spamming windows.
Hope this helps.

P.S.: your file gathering in your page is very appreciated by me, thank you!

Posted: 29.05.2003, 02:56
by billybob884
well, im glad its helpful, but i dont get any pop-ups

Posted: 29.05.2003, 03:06
by praesepe
I am from outside the US (Spain) and I haven't got any kind of problem entering your page. And of course, I don't get any ads or popups.

Congratulations for such a great list :wink: