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Celestial Phenomena: What is it ?

Posted: 25.04.2003, 16:12
by Calculus
Can anyone tell me what it is and what are the circumstances of this photo ?

Posted: 25.04.2003, 18:20
by JackHiggins
Full star catalog (2 million stars) the fov is set to more than 45 degrees (about 90?) and i think it's taken from the surface of the sun. Am I right?

Posted: 28.04.2003, 23:33
by Calculus
JackHiggins wrote:Full star catalog (2 million stars) the fov is set to more than 45 degrees (about 90?) and i think it's taken from the surface of the sun. Am I right?

Very good but the FOV is 125 deg. That is why one can see a tranparent "circle".