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Jovian Moon Immersed in Jupiter's Shadow Always Glows at Wider Fields of View

Posted: 23.01.2022, 14:33
by TJackson
Jupiter's moon Io, when going out of immersion from Jupiter's shadow, should wink on from darkness and does so at narrow fields of view. At expanded/realistic fields of view such that more of the moons of Jupiter are visible, then they all glow, even immersed Io.

Is that a feature? Is it something I can disable?

Jovian Moon Immersed in Jupiter's Shadow Always Glows at Wider Fields of View.png

Posted: 25.01.2022, 19:09
by fyr02
When a moon (or any object) is too far away to be resolved, Celestia displays a white dot at the position of the moon so you can see it.
I'm not sure if this is something that can be disabled.

A way to disable it

Posted: 16.09.2022, 13:39
by EarthMoon
Set the Io part of .../<CelestiaDir>/data/solarsys.ssc to:

Code: Select all

"Io" "Sol/Jupiter" {
  Albedo 0 # No albedo
  Color [ 0 0 0 ] # Black dot color
  BlendTexture false # Avoid to paint the texture with the above color

It's possible for all objects