Code: Select all
Texture1 "volcanic earth.jpg" {
TextureStart (Julian date)
TextureEnd (Julian date again)}
Texture2 "blue earth.jpg"{
TextureStart (another date)
TextureEnd (whenever)}
And so on. Another thing would be looping textures to create something like an animated texture. This would allow us to show swirling hurricanes on Earth, or the broiling clouds of Jupiter...
Code: Select all
LoopedTexture {
CloudMap1 "jupiter-clouds1.png" {
TextureStart 0.001 (<--- days, minutes, I don't know)
TextureEnd 10.0
CloudMap2 "jupiter-clouds2.png" {
TextureStart 10.01
TextureEnd 20.0}
These are just rough ideas, so apologies for any glaring inaccuraces. What do you think?