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What's the story with solarsys.ssc every new version?

Posted: 27.03.2003, 03:11
by Vicware
Celestia - the best software of any kind on the planet.

Chris -
Question - Can I keep the solarsys.ssc file from earlier versions
so I don't have to re-write changes once again? i.e. does 1.3.0 pre 2 or 3
solarsys.ssc file work fine in pre 4 - and will it work for final version?

How come you're not offering exe only updates?

Thanks -

Posted: 27.03.2003, 12:22
by billybob884
sometimes the ssc issued with the program has some changes that are mandatory for orbits and others things to look more correct. you can just copy over your old one, but you may miss out on some fixes that you don't know about or wernt publically released into the forum

Posted: 27.03.2003, 14:56
by granthutchison
An old solarsys.ssc should work with new versions of Celestia, unless there were to be some revision in the way objects are specified. All that's happened during the current cycle of pre-releases has been an improvement in the rotation axes of the planetary satellites, and the addition of surface textures for Venus and Eros. So rather than rewriting your custom changes for every pre-release, if you're not particularly interested in these specific changes, you might as well wait for the definitive 1.3 to come out and then transfer your custom changes just the once.


Posted: 27.03.2003, 16:20
by Vicware
billybob884 wrote:sometimes the ssc issued with the program has some changes that are mandatory for orbits and others things to look more correct. you can just copy over your old one, but you may miss out on some fixes that you don't know about or wernt publically released into the forum

That's not what I mean. I have, like a lot of people, dds files - like the
16k earth dds, so if I cover over the older file I have to re-edit the
changes back in to use the dds files in solarsys.ssc. Actually, I'll wait
until the final version and do it then, I guess.


Posted: 27.03.2003, 16:38
by Christophe
You have to keep arround the original (unmodified) solarsys.ssc file, then use diff and patch.

diff solarsys.ssc.orig solarsys.ssc > solarsys.patch

Install the new version of celestia and apply the patch:

cp solarsys.ssc solarsys.ssc.orig
patch -p0 < solarsys.patch

In an ideal world the install script would take care of that itself.