Galaxies addon not working

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Galaxies addon not working

Post #1by steffens » 24.03.2003, 12:37

I have recently downloaded the galaxies database linked on "Rassilons Celestia Addons". This file named "galaxies_and_clusters.txt" says it should be copied to [celestia...]data/galaxies.dat.
I replaced the old galaxies.dat with the new one, but I can see no difference. There are still only the few galaxies from original celestia. Am I missing something / doing something wrong?
BTW: I'm using CVS-Celestia, about a week old, on Linux. I've got no
error messages on startup.


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Joined: 04.09.2002
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Location: NY, USA

Post #2by selden » 24.03.2003, 17:27

a) Celestia's data files are only loaded at startup time. Did you restart Celestia after changing the file? Try turning on labelling of galaxies. Many bright yellow names should appear.

b) If you're running a version of Celestia that's only a week old, then most likely it's a v1.3 prerelease. You should consider using the .DSC versions of the galaxies database instead. See

I hope this helps a little.


Post #3by Guest » 25.03.2003, 09:12

Well, I think it helps a lot! Thanks!
I did not know that 1.3pre changed the way of loading galaxies.

Very nice collection on your site, I downloaded some files and will try them as soon as possible. Thanks again


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