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Back from the dead!

Posted: 08.05.2020, 22:17
by SpaceFanatic64
So, it has finally come, the day when I'm no longer interested in Trainz. I was starting to miss Celestia, and now I'm back! I am happy to return to the community, and it's nice to still see this place thriving. I've reinstalled Celestia Origin and immediately the memories of freely exploring space came back. It feels so nice to see all of you guys again!

Posted: 08.05.2020, 22:32
by SevenSpheres
Welcome back, SpaceFanatic64! (and sorry for confusing you in your previous thread...)

Posted: 08.05.2020, 22:41
by LukeCEL
Welcome back!

Posted: 08.05.2020, 22:44
by Anthony_B_Russo10
Welcome back :smile:

Posted: 08.05.2020, 22:44
by Sirius_Alpha
I am very happy to see you have returned!

Posted: 09.05.2020, 00:47
by Gurren Lagann
Welcome back!

Posted: 09.05.2020, 21:04
by Joey P.
Have a warm welcome back. :)