Leaving the Celestia community for a little while...

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Leaving the Celestia community for a little while...

Post #1by SpaceFanatic64 » 03.01.2020, 03:56

Hello. You can tell by the topic title that for a while I will leave the Celestia community until further notice. It's been a fun ride, but I feel that now it's time to leave. I will not make any new content during this time. The reason I'm leaving is because I've been focusing on other interests (mainly Trainz Simulator), and I've gradually started loosing interest in Celestia. Now, my loss of interest has reached such a point that I feel that I need to take a break from the community altogether. I will still lurk around the forums, but I will rarely say anything at all. I also haven't been able to keep up with the forum which is another factor to why I'm leaving. Now, it's not all completely bad. I WILL probably come back in a month or two. I haven't given up on Celestia completely! :wink:

Until then, this will be my last message for a while. Regards, SpaceFanatic64.
If you see that I made a dumb or nonsensical post years ago, please forgive me in advance.

Posts: 726
Joined: 04.08.2018
Age: 26
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Location: Cebu City, Cebu Province, Philippines

Post #2by Lafuente_Astronomy » 03.01.2020, 05:15


I don't know with anyone but if you feel that you have to leave, feel free to. We are all human, we all have many interests, and sometimes, we get bored of some interests and draw in to others. The point is, if you regain interest in Celestia, and will want to come back, feel free to. We'll be just here.
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