I can help a little.
From what you say you want, the three things have to be the same: rotational period of the planet, period of the orbit, and rotational period of the spaceship. You just have to put them in the right units.
A synchronous orbit like you want means that the orbital period of the satellite is the same as the rotational period of the primary.
For a satellite always to have the same side toward its primary, its own rotational period has to be the same as its orbital period.
In Celestia, the period of the orbit of a satellite is measured in Earth days, while the rotational period of a planet or satellite is measured in hours. So the value of the two rotational periods (of the planet and of the spaceship) have to be set to be 24x the orbital period of the spaceship.
To be "realistic" you'll have to decide on the mass of your planet. From that you can calculate what the orbital period of a free-falling satellite has to be for a particular semi-major-axis. Of course, for a spaceship, you can just say "it's flying under power" and not worry about it
Don't forget that an inclined orbit is north of the equator on one side of the planet and south of the equator when the satellite gets to the other side. Orbits can't be all north or all south of the equator. A satellite can only seem to be perfectly stationary if the inclination of its orbit is the same as the obliquity of the planet's axis, and that'll put the satellite over a point on the equator.
Does this help?