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Newbie on the rocks

Posted: 28.02.2003, 22:12
by Stradnjoy
Hi, i just registerd in here and i have been "exploring" Celestia for a couple of weeks already.

I have Celestia 1.2.5 and i LOVE the comet tail upgade (earlier i had 1.2.4).

But enough chit-chatting...

I would like to know some great events in Celestia.
I mean, ummm... an example:

The Halley comet comes very near Earth (again) in the 2060's (dont remember the exact year or date), then it goes away again and "comes" back again sometime in the 2100 century. But after that, it comes again in the 2200 century (dont remember the exact date but suppose it was the early 2200 century). And comes VERY close. if i remember correctly. Only 0.089 au away.

Just follow the Halley comet keeping Earth selected and speed-up the time.

How many km is 0.001 au?

Posted: 28.02.2003, 23:37
by rickindy
A question I can answer!
an au is 148,800,00 km, so it follows that:

.001 ua is 148,800 kilometers

At least I think it is

Posted: 01.03.2003, 02:53
by Darkmiss
Search for nearly any Post made by Calculas
He posts up tons of strange events and phenomena.